Subject: [True Story] Baker stirs up wealth in record time

I talk a lot about using our All in One Ready to Go Business to start getting leads and sales online right now before you even know what you're doing.

But that's only the first goal we have for you, Friend.

The ultimate goal...

To Make Sure That you Have The Skills, The Tools, The Resources, The Personal Help, and The Courage to Create Wealth Doing Whatever YOU Love For The Rest of Your Life!

That's why Kristi's story is so powerful.

When Kristi came into our world, it was mostly to support her husband Jim, who after reading my book The 30 Minute Workday...

Was looking to use our All in One Business to step into his own 30 Minute Workday.

Jim had amazing success right away, but that was Jim's passion, not Kristi's.

Kristi loves to bake, and show others how she crafts her delicious, sweet treats.

But, it wasn't until she came to one of our live events, and listened to stories of people using our tools, resources, training, and personal help to build businesses around what THEY loved, that it hit her...

"I Can Actually Be Getting Paid to Bake and Show Others How to Bake!"

And so while Jim was building his business, Kristi quietly jumped into our training and built a membership site from scratch that featured her baking tips, ideas, recipes, and techniques.

Keep in mind, Kristi had ZERO idea of how to do that.

She just followed our training, and used our tool that you can get here now if you want, that cost her just 82 cents per day!

With a site up, Kristi needed to reach other sweets baking lovers.

Again, she'd NEVER built a business before and had no idea of how to get traffic, or leads, or build a following.

Determined to get paid to do what she loved, she jumped into our Premium Traffic and Conversions Academy (that you can get free here), and get this...

She Built a Following of Over 40,000 People From Scratch... For Free!

Fast forward to today...

Kristi is not only getting paid extremely well to do what SHE loves...

But, her brand has taken off to the point where she is considering taking buyout offers from other larger companies in the industry!


How the heck did Kristi, a hobbyist baker with ZERO experience go from nothing but a passion and hobby...

To thriving business...

To potentially being bought out?

And do it all in record time?!?

It's actually much more simple than you might think.

Step #1: Kristi made a decision that she was going to do it no matter what.

It didn't matter that she had never done anything like it before.

She wanted to build wealth in a way that made her happy and allowed her to enjoy her life.

Step #2: She got only the simple tools that she needed.

Remember, she built ALL of this with this simple little tool that cost her only 82 cents per day.

Don't get caught in the "guru" trap that tells you that you need fancy equipment and expensive software.

You don't... and Kristi is PROOF!

Step #3: She got PERSONAL help.

The fastest way to do anything is to get personal, live help from a person or people already doing it.

As part of the All in One Business offer here, you can actually get free access to DAILY, live, personal help.

It's pretty crazy.

Especially considering I once fell into the "guru" trap and paid $15k for a single day of personal mentoring!

Obviously, Kristi is way smarter than me!

Anyway, Friend...

I wanted you to know that the All in One Business is not just some thing you can promote and start getting nearly instant leads and sales.

It's called the All in One because it gives you EVERYTHING you need in one place to create wealth doing whatever YOU love for the rest of your life.

Maybe you don't want to get paid to bake, but what is it that you would love to get paid to do?

What is that hobby, or passion that you already spend lots of time on, that you'd feel like it was a dream come true if you actually got paid to do it.

I'm here to tell you it's possible, and you can get everything you need today right here in one place to do it.

And you'll have my smiling face to help you on the other side too!

Because helping people like you an Kristi step into your dream life is my personal calling.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you missed our live training Monday night where Kristi revealed EXACTLY how she turned 82 cents per day into the business of her dreams, built around her passion of baking....

How she built a group of over 40,000 raving fans for free, who buy her stuff without her even trying to sell it...

And even how she's turned that 82 cents per day into a site that larger companies are are offering her big bucks to buy out...

Let me know and I will give you details on how to get the replay.

P.P.S. If you're like me and Kristi's husband Jim, and you just want to get paid for recommending other people's stuff and enjoy a 30 Minute Workday...

Of course The All in One Business lets you do that too!

Either way...

You'll have the skills, the tools, the knowledge, and the personal help you need to create whatever lifestyle you want for the rest of your life.

And you'll have it all in one place.

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