Subject: Quit Your Day Job - Follow your Dreams

Stop wasting your life and start actually contributing to the world in the way you're supposed to

Ask yourself this...

"How close am I to quitting my day job and following my dreams?"

Actually ask yourself that question right now.

And no matter what the answer is...

It's time to take responsibility for getting yourself to a place where you can actually do what you're supposed to do with your life.

To contribute to the people, and places, and causes you're supposed to serve.

To actually LIVE a life you love, instead of existing in some stupid wake, work, eat, sleep zombie-like state.

It's time.


No more screwing around.

No more waiting.

No more excuses that you know are lame.

No more blaming other things or people for where you are.

Truth is...

It might not be your fault where you are.


It's YOUR responsibility to get to where you need to be.

When I put together the Freedom LaunchPad, it wasn't to be just some token product to get people to buy something from me.

If I wanted to make a bunch of money on it, I'd actually charge what it's worth.

Not the tiny $27 price I put on it.

But, I made it a price so low that you don't even have to think about it because, I want you to have it.

Because getting you job free isn't a slogan for me.


It's a calling.

A God given desire that I can't shake.

It's part of my purpose here on earth.

A purpose that I take seriously.

So, I am to the point in my relationship with you where if you aren't gong to take responsibility for your own life...

Get the training you need...

Get the tools that you need...

And Get the step by step help that is being offered...

You're holding my mission back.

My waiting for you is slowing me down and screwing over a bunch of people

Smart, driven, freedom ready people who would actually JUMP at the chance to have this for the pennies that it costs.

So today is decision day.

If you already own the Freedom LaunchPad, get off your hands and go through it.

Get to work and have your job quitting business set up in the next 48 hours.

You know where to reach me inside of the community if you need help.

If you don't have it yet...

TODAY is the day that you get it and join the mission to BE FREE and help others...

Or, you move on.

At this point, you know enough about me, and my mission to know if it's for you or not.

If it's not, there's a link below to unsubscribe.

No hard feelings.

I actually appreciate you admitting that we're wasting each other's time here and you should move on, so I can help the people who are actually ready to be free.

Your time is valuable, and so is mine.

Actually, our time is the MOST valuable thing we have.

That's why I have dedicated so much of my life to showing you how to create wealth in a way that gives you TIME.

So if we're not a fit, lets move on.

But, if you feel that tugging at your heart that it's time to cut ties from the life that you don't love...

And step into the life that you deserve.

That you were created for.

And you want my step by step plan and help to do it...

Let's go!

I have been free since 2005 to do whatever I choose.

So clearly, what I am doing is working.

Let me help you step by step in making it work for you too.

Go through the step by step plan I give you there.

And in 48 hours or less, let's be in position to have you closer to job free...

And closer to the freedom, the time, and the financial situation you need...

To be with those that you love the most.

Doing what you love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes you were meant to serve.

Let's get you closer to LIVING!

See you here on the inside.


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!

P.P.S.  I know that some of that email was a little "tough love."

But, I am not here to sit by and watch you struggle in this life you've been given.

I am here to give you the fastest, most step by step, long term plan to BE FREE to live the amazing life that's waiting for you.

That's ALWAYS been waiting for you.

If you feel it... click here and let's go!

(if not, that other link is just below)


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