Subject: [Part I] Customers Aren't Morons

This one sentence headline formula gets amazing leads and customers...

Here's Part I of the training I promised you yesterday.

Watch it Now if you want to get more leads and customers without being cheesy, dishonest, or acting like a circus clown to get attention.

It's simple and is only one sentence.

And you can do it even if you think you suck at writing, or have never typed a single headline in your life.

Watch it Now

Disclaimer:  I may or may not have used it on you already!

See For Yourself Here

If you missed yesterday's email, here it is...

--- Yesterday's Email --- 

I love this quote by David Ogilvy...

"Your Customer is Not a Moron, She's Your Wife!"

He said it in the 1950's in response to the loud, hyped up advertising methods happening at the time.

As a side note... did we ever leave that kind of stupid messaging behind?

I don't think so... but that's good for you.

More on that later.

But basically what he meant is that, like your wife...

Your customer is a real and intelligent person, and shouldn't be treated like an idiot.

He actually went on to say...

"Your customer is You!"

Meaning, just like you have the ability to read through all of the hype and crap...

So does your customer!

So using hyped up, exaggerated, even silly "look at me" marketing techniques will eventually be harmful to your business.

There is a lot of pressure in the market to be "Sexy," or "Unique," or "Flamboyant."

But as a man (and women, this is true for your guy too)...

I know that the sexiest thing possible to my wife is...


That is what your customer thinks is sexy too.

When you KNOW what your customer wants, needs, and desires...

When you know what causes them pain...

When you NOTICE those things and you provide solutions that move them toward their pleasures, and away from their pains...

Just like your wife or spouse...

They will think you're the sexiest thing around, and they'll want to buy your stuff and have a long term relationship with you.

On the flip side, treat your spouse, or your customer like a moron long enough...

And it will end in divorce.

Because your copy is SUPER important, over the next two days I am going to give you a simple "Perfect" formula for writing...


Video Copy...

Ads Copy...

Website Copy...

Email Copy...

ANY Copy...

That you can do in 5 minutes or less without stressing out or being a copywriting master like David Ogilvy.

And YES... "give you" means that there will be no charge.

Knowing what to say to your customers will create more sales for you than anything else you can do.

Another side note.... DELIVERING on what you say will create more long term fans that buy from you for life than anything else you can do.

That's another lesson though.

First... let's get you lots of customers using copy that makes them see that you KNOW them and that you NOTICE them.

Then we'll move on to the next step in the relationship.

Make sure that you open your email from me tomorrow.

I don't know what the subject will be yet... but just open everything I send.

I'll show you how to be the sexiest guy or gal in the room.

Be forewarned though...

With this info, you are going to be causing "divorces" all over the marketing space as people leave their current bad marketing relationships behind...

And jump all over your sexiness!



The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.P.S.  Read and listen to EVERYTHING you can find on David Ogilvy. He's awesome and considered one of the best copywriters of all time!


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