Subject: Me too, Friend!

The 2 magical sales producing words and how...

Hey Friend...

Do you want to know the secret 2 words that produce endless customers and sales of anything online or offline...

Without "selling" like a cheesy used cars sales person?

If so... keep reading.

Oh, and sorry (not sorry) cars sales people...

But as a person who gets new cars every 2 years, your "selling" strategies are the worst of all sales professions!

Anyway... getting sales of anything is mostly about ONE thing, and ONE thing only...

Getting the people you are reaching to say...


It's about getting them to AGREE with you.

When you do that, you aren't "convincing" or "selling..."

You're getting people to say in their mind... "Yeah, he/she is right!"

They actually "sell" themselves and naturally come to the decision to buy anything you have to offer.

Now... this entire training can be found in my FREEDOMLaunchPad course, but I will give you the 3 steps to getting to the "Me Too" as often as you want.

Translation... I am giving you 3 steps to endless customers and sales without "selling."

Here they are...

Step 1: Build a Business Around YOUR Passion!

Most people want to know what "Sells."

That's why most people fail.

What you really want to do is know what YOU have a passion, or desire, or calling in.

What makes you curious?

What do you already talk about, read about, watch videos and listen to podcasts about, etc.?

Because here is a truth bomb...

Sales is not about sales...

It's about SOLVING!

And the more quickly you can solve the questions, problems, concerns, desires or whatever your people (see step #2) are having, the more quickly you get to the "Me Too!"

This makes is WAY easier to do step #2, because you are going to be reaching people who ALREADY agree with you!

Step #2: Find YOUR People

Where are the people who have your passions too already hanging out...

And who has already built big groups of them on social media, forums, blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc?

Side Note: I just gave you the answer to the question that EVERYBODY asks me...

Where do you get traffic?

You're welcome! 😀

Finding where your people are is simple when you're doing it using the 3 steps, because YOU are ALREADY hanging out in those places!

So... you know where to put your solutions.

And finally...

Step #3: Speak YOUR Truths!

In short...


Marketing isn't about reaching "everybody."

It's really about reaching YOU.

People with your personality.

People with your dreams.

People with your thoughts and ideas.

People with the same philosophies.

Now... not everyone you reach will be the same in EVERY aspect, but think of how quickly you can get people to say "Me Too" when they are just like YOU!

Follow those 3 steps and you will not only LOVE your business... but you will much more easily grow it.

Without any "Selling" at all.

Enjoy your weekend!



The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.P.S.  If you want access to this entire training, plus my full course (for just 27 bucks ONE TIME) where I work with you personally and show you the 7 steps to building a business you love...

Without your own products...

Without your own websites...

While getting other people to happily do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff for you...

Access is LIFETIME and you'll get all of my best training on Working Less and Living more for as long as the internet exists!


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