Subject: Maybe the TOP secret to an amazingly abundant life

This one concept has taught me to have massive abundance in EVERY area of life...

"If you stop fighting for the life you want... the won't you don't want will be there to immediately take over."

It's a lot like weeding a garden, or landscape, or flower bed.  

When you're working on it...

It's beautiful and fruitful.

But, as soon as you stop, the weeds are immediately there.

Not just there, but they take over.  Effortlessly.

The kinda frustrating part is that you don't have to put in ANY work  for the weeds to sprout and take over your entire landscape, or garden, or flower bed.

They just take over.

The things you want to grow, however, the flowers, the fruit, the vegetables, the trees and shrubs... they take consistent, effort, energy, and care.

Your dreams and goals and desires are like the flowers, and shrubs, and trees, and fruits, and vegetables that you want in your life.

They become beautiful, and strong, and healthy only through consistent effort and care.  

Knowing this I work on myself, my business, my family, my faith, and my life with this knowing that the "weeds" of life will always be there, and will always sprout as soon as my effort stops...

For me it serves as motivation to always be better.

To reach a higher self.

And it serves as strength knowing that I have the control over the weeds.  They only sprout if I let them. 

It keeps me active in the soil of my life, because...

An active soil is the stuff of beauty and success and happiness.

Weeds can only live in dormant soil...

And my soil is alive with the energy that I put into which is stronger than any weed.

Not sure why that had to come out today.

Just did.

Maybe you needed it.

Maybe I did.

Maybe it's because I am reading a book on Faith vs. fear called "Outwitting The Devil" by Napoleon Hill which is absolutely fascinating and a must read.

Whatever the reason, I hope that it serves you. 🙂



The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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