Subject: Imagine the power to create this fast (open this)

Imagine a world where you have unlocked the ultimate power of creating anything

If you have read my book, you know that Erwin McManus has had a profound impact on me.

(you even get the audiobook version!)

Anyway... I think Erwin is one of the most interesting thinkers on the planet.

He said something today that I have heard him say before, and have read in his books, but that just today had greater impact.

I think it's because I am actively working with a couple of my close friends to find ways to continually get this message of Freedom out to the world bigger, better, faster ways.

And, when you're looking hard for something... it tends to appear when you're paying attention.

Today, Erwin was on one of my favorite podcasts speaking about how humans are:

"Creators of The Future Through Imagination."

Which is fascinating all on it's own...

But it drives home for me anyway why what we do as "Freedom Crusaders" is so important...

And why we should actually "Crusade" to get the message out.

Side note: To be a Crusader by definition means that you "Fight vigorously for change."

Because here is what we are really doing...

We are helping to create a future for people that they have not yet imagined, or have only just imagined to this point.

We are compelling other people to believe that they can be successful.

That they actually CAN better their lives in whatever ways they are currently imagining.

That they can create a better life not just for themselves, but they can take what you gave them, and help others.

By using our own imaginations to unlock the imaginations of others...

We are creating a movement of people around the world...

Who are becoming better versions of themselves, and helping people contribute to the world in the ways they were meant to.

We always initially see our purpose through imagination.

Imagination isn't just some dream that "pops up."

It was given to us by who or whatever you call your creator.

And as Albert Einstein said...

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

But it's only the preview. You have to act on it to make it reality.

Your imagination was MEANT to be reality.

Bottom line...

As creators, as entrepreneurs, as dreamers, as Freedom Crusaders...

We (You and I), play a critical role in making the world a place where people can contribute in the most positive of ways.

We are unlocking the imaginations of people.

Allowing them to see the future again.

Showing them how to act on it.

And creating positive change world wide as a result.

Just wanted you to know that the thought you are having that building a business is not just "selling" stuff... is 100% valid.

You're creating the future of the world!

And it matters.

You matter.

Your imagination matters.

Right now... you have 3 options if that message touched your heart and makes you want to turn your imagination into reality:

Worst Case Scenario Option:

You can do nothing, and keep living a life unfulfilled, wishing what you saw in your mind was more than just a "preview."

This is what most people choose by the way, and over 85% of all people who choose this are reportedly unsatisfied with their jobs and their contributions to the world.

Most Expensive and Time Consuming Option:

You can continue to listen to the dream in your heart, but search endlessly wasting time and money trying to learn how to build a business that turns your imagination into freedom.

How much longer do you think it will take to figure it out?

How much will it cost?

How time and money have you already spent?

I spent years and over $50,000 before I "got it."

Best Case Scenario Option:

You can have a legitimate business set up in 48 hours or less, and have a step by step plan to do it for $27 bucks!

If you think you can do it in less time, and for less investment, that's cool.

But really ask yourself and be honest.

Based on the time you have already wasted...

The money you have already lost aimlessly searching...

Do you think you'll have this all figured out on your own in less than 48 hours from now for less?


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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