Subject: I thought about leaving you

I've spent the last week considering leaving you behind, in the dust...

I have an odd confession to make, Friend.

In the last week, I have been a little bit quiet because I was thinking about leaving you.

Deleting you from my list and leaving you behind.

And then, during a workout, I heard something on the video I was listening to.

What I heard makes me never want to leave you, because just this proximity of us gets you closer to your goals and dreams.

Because the truth is...

Who and what you are surrounding yourself with matters.

The books you read matter.

The podcasts you listen to matter.

The videos and shows you watch matter.

The emails you open and read matter.

They help to create your reality.

For better...

Or for worse.

So, what I decided is that I wanted to be a part of what raises your standards.

What builds you.

What helps you.

What serves you.

What gets you closer to your dreams.

Maybe you do only open one out of 10 emails I send.

And maybe you only click the links in one out of 20.

But I want to be there for that one open.

I want to serve you with amazing value when you make that click.

Because I believe that you were meant to serve others.

To do great things.

To create positive change in the world.

Because I believe in the greatness in you!

Even if you don't quite see it yet.


The 30 Minute Workday - Soon to be the "Get Job Free" Movement (Stay tuned)

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!

Here's how I've done it for over 15 years.


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