Subject: I think I just saw you Friend???

Here's my vision, Friend.

Let me know if you think you see yourself in it.

To build the largest community of servant based entrepreneurs on the planet...

Who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create wealth in a way that gives us the time and freedom...

To spend our time with those we love the most...

Doing the things we love the most…

And serving the people, communities, and causes that speak to our hearts.

So far, I'd say our initial progress has been a wild success (see image below)

But, we are just getting started Friend.

That, to me... is SUPER exciting!

To know we are adding hundreds of thousands per month to families all over the world.

To be providing almost 8,000 DAYS worth of meals to starving children every month.

And knowing it's just the VERY beginning!!!


Just wow!

I wake up excited, and have trouble sleeping because it just makes me feel so alive.

Alive with passion.

Alive with purpose.

Alive with freedom.

Alive with a vision and mission to bring this freedom to as many people and families as I can all over the world.

I think that's how we're supposed to feel about the work we do, Friend.

I think when we feel it, we can know we are truly stepping into the purpose God created us for.

The specific thing that only YOU can bring to the world.

It used to be that on Sunday nights, as I thought about work the next day...

I felt anything but purpose and life.

I felt a growing dread, and more like I was slowly dying.

I was confused as to why I was even here if this wake, work, eat, sleep existence was all there was.

So tonight, if you aren't feeling excited and alive to get to work tomorrow...

Maybe consider you're in the wrong place.

Doing the wrong thing.

And that maybe.

Just maybe.

This crazy idea that you should have a business of your own that helps people isn't so crazy at all.

Maybe the desire to join and build a business like this is the truth.

And that's why it won't leave your heart and mind.

Thanks for taking some time out to let me show my vision to you tonight, Friend.

If you think that I can help you step into yours, please reach out to me anytime.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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