Subject: I screwed up Friend

So I am going to give you my top 3 seven figure secrets...

I love technology and it has changed my life.

Making how I create wealth easier, and faster, and more automated.

But sometimes... I screw it up.

It may surprise you that I am not some kind of tech wizard.

I actually just use simple tools to make things super easy, because otherwise... I'd probably throw my computer at the wall sometimes!

Anyway... I part II video I had for you on The Perfect Copy Formula got messed up, and to make it up to you...

I am going to give you my top 3 seven figure secrets.

I am am going to do it LIVE so you can ask me questions, and see it in real time.

On Monday night at 8pm EST, I am going to reveal to you these top 3 simple things I do to create mostly automated freedom.

Plus...I will show you the simple, super inexpensive tool I use to automate nearly my entire business.

But, I want to make sure this only gets into the hands of people who want it...

Who will use it...

And who are serious about creating freedom.

So, here's how to get access...

Reply to this email and say... "I am serious."

I will send you an invite to access.

That's it!

Looking forward to hearing from you, Friend.



The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!


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