Subject: I didn't want to send you this email

This morning has been a little down, and I didn't want to send this to you...

Do you think that I always "feel" like sending emails?

Or building my business?

Or putting out content?

The answer is a big, fat...


There are days when I just don't "feel" it.

Today was one of them.

I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed.

I was super un-motivated and I had no desire to work out.

I had no inspiration to write you an email today.

So, why did I do ALL of it even though technically, I don't really "have" to do any of it?

Because all of it is the RIGHT thing to do according to my own standards.

I get out of bed early so I can see my children and take them to school in the morning.

I work out because my standard I have set for myself is that I will be healthy, and have longevity, and do everything I can to extend the years and quality of my life.

I build my business even when I don't want to because it serves my family, and other people and families all over the world.

It's not just about me.

I have made a commitment to serve, and my standard is I keep that commitment.

As you can maybe tell, my own personal STANDARDS I have set drive a lot of what I do.

But there is a 2nd thing that makes it way easier to get things accomplished when I don't want to do them.

I have FRAMEWORKS for everything.

A framework is just a set of steps I can follow every single time to get a certain result.

So... for my workout, I didn't have to think about what I was going to do today because I already had a framework.

I knew exactly what exercises I was going to do in the exact order, and even though I didn't want to...

I just went through the motions.

If I had to think and plan what I was going to do today, it may not have even happened.

The framework made it simple to do.

I have a framework for my daily business that's typically just 3 steps.

  • Create content

  • Post content

  • Generate more leads

I don't have to think about it... I just do it.

My point is this...

Even when you LOVE what you do, there are going to be days when you don't want to do it.

But, if you decide ahead of time that your STANDARD is that you want to have health and longevity for example...

You just do the work out because it's the RIGHT thing to do for you.

And if you have a FRAMEWORK to go with those standards, even if you zombie walk your way through it...

It will still be much more beneficial than not doing it at all.

The framework allows you to live up to your standards you set sometimes without even thinking much.

As a free person, who can do whatever I want on any given day...

I NEED these things in my life to stay consistent.

It's not always just a given that I wake up on fire to serve the world.

Sometimes I just "put in the work" and get things done."

Just a little behind the scenes truth for you today that most won't share with you.

In this world of only posting the best pic, or the best day, or the best moments...

It can make us feel like there is something wrong with us if we aren't "feeling" perfect.

It's ok to "feel" that way.

But, have your own STANDARDS and FRAMEWORKS in place so that you can still be productive even when you're in a funk.

And the cool thing is...

Just by "putting in the work" I already "feel" better.

I woke up with my children this morning which is the best thing ever for my heart.

I have more energy because I worked out.

I have more inspiration because I served you today with this message.

And, I have a business that will grow today.

All because I just "put in the work" regardless of how I "feel."

I hope that serves you in some way today.

Don't let your feelings dictate your day.

Let your standards and frameworks take over for you, and see what happens.

I think you'll like the results much better.

Oh... and here's the simple framework that I follow to complete just 3 simple steps every day and then be free to do whatever I choose.

Click Here For My Simple Online Business Framework

It's a simple framework that works EVERY time.

Even when I don't "feel" like doing it. 🙂



The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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