Subject: I asked God about you, Friend

And this is exactly what I heard back nearly immediately...

Not too long ago, I was struggling with the path I should continue on.

What was I supposed to be doing?

Why am I so committed to learning and sharing this skill?

Why do I feel not just a desire, but a compulsion... a NEED to serve and help others gain the skills I have?

So I asked God.

And this is what He gave me:

Galatians 5:13

Which to paraphrase says that I am called to be free... in order to use this freedom to serve and set others free.

And if you're not of the same spiritual background as me, don't disregard the message.

You can't possibly agree with every single thing every other human believes...

But that doesn't mean you can't learn a great deal from people who have the skills, tools, and knowledge that will set you free.

So FREEDOM is My Mission.

First... I had to become free.

Now, I have to remain free.

So that I can set you free to serve the people...

And the communities...

And the causes...

That speak to YOUR heart.

And those desires in your heart aren't just "feelings."

They are your OBLIGATION to the people, and communities, and causes you were placed here to serve.

Everybody is here to serve something or somebody.

So... EVERYTHING I do or show you is to put you in the best position to create a long term, stable income online doing anything you love...

That you can be proud of and that serves other people at the highest level.

After years of data that includes building sites with over 60,000 members...

Thousands of support emails, and more chat threads than I can personally count.

What is obvious is that those that are actually having consistent success...

Are those that are actually treating it as first an education to gain the principles and skills to build something long term and stable.

And second growing a real business utilizing those principles, skills, tools and training.

With that, those are my two goals...

To first give you the principle based knowledge and skill.

Then, show you how to combine what you've learned with the tools that will give you the automation you need to build wealth in a way that gives you time and freedom.

I'm not sure why I felt compelled to make sure that you knew that today... but I hope it reaches you.

And if you feel like my mission is in alignment with your freedom, it's my greater hope to work more intimately with you to achieve it.

Because your freedom matters.

To you.

And to the people, communities, and causes you were meant to serve.

There are others who will never become free unless YOU do.

And you feel it, don't you?

That compulsion to get free... and to serve others with your freedom.

I laid these 3 steps out with all of that in mind.

To give you a plan to follow that works.

Built on first learning the principles.

Then, gaining the skill.

Then combining skill and principles with automation.

And all together, THEN and only then...

You Will Have Your FREEDOM!


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!


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