Subject: Hey!

What is going on with you this week? I have been super busy in the lab working on...

Happy Friday!!!

Before I get started... make sure you read all the way to the P.P.S. below if you're struggling with getting traffic or leads.

So, today, I just wanted to say hi before the weekend and thank you for being awesome.

I truly have so much respect for people like us who are fighting daily to live the life that we dream about.

Instead of just existing in the wake, work, eat, sleep zombie-walk that most people settle into.

You're Special!

You're a dreamer.

No just a dreamer...

But, a DO Dreamer!

"Do" Dreamers... the ones who see the dreams in their mind, and then ACT on them are the only people who have ever positively changed the world.

So, thank you for being among those who make the world great.

Not much new this week as I have been in "the lab" a little bit working on a better way to give you EVERYTHING you need in one place to make all of those dreams come true.

As always... it's starts with "Launching" your freedom.

So, I'd recommend taking the weekend to get set up, and you can have a real online business...

That YOU love.

That serves the people that YOU resonate with by the end of the weekend.

If you have any questions about it, let me know.

Over the weekend, I will be putting some stuff together for you dreamers to make the dream a reality bigger, faster, and more simply than ever before.

So stay tuned.

Ok... it's Friday, so enjoy the weekend, but DO take some time to get your dreams into reality mode by going through the Freedom LaunchPad Here.

I always say 48 hours, but you really can do it WAY faster.

And don't forget about the P.P.S. below. 😉


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!

P.P.S.  Are you struggling to get traffic and leads online?

I am testing a new solution that requires ZERO marketing, but drops leads to you every day on autopilot for as little as 8 - 10 cents per lead.

They get dropped right into your autoresponder, so you can build anything you want super passively.

I haven't seen anything that could do that for mere pennies in over 15 years. Since like the internet dinosaur days.

Oh... how I miss those days! 😀

Anyway... those glory days or dirt cheap leads fast might be back (for us who know this secret), so if you want to get on the inside track, just reply to this email and let me know.

Yes, I actually check email still!

Told you I was an internet dinosaur.

Talk soon.


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