Subject: [CLOSING SOON] did you see this (10 cent leads inside)

Want DAILY leads dropped into your autoresponder WITHOUT any marketing?

Touching base to make sure that you got this.

Get back to me right away if you need daily leads and you suck at marketing.

(or just don't have the time or knowledge yet)

--- Previous Time Sensitive Email Below ---

The image above taken just now, is pretty much always the same.

Rob and I are tops in HBA sales every day, every week, and every month.

But, how we've been getting there is a little different.

I have been following more traditional means of marketing and placing ads.

Rob on the other hand... has leads dropped into his autoresponder EVERY day on autopilot.

I work.

He plays.

We get the same awesome results.

I am a little jealous, but here's what's cool.

He gave me access to the same leads!

And I have permission to give access to a FEW of you as well.

I usually don't do stuff like this, so pay attention.

I may offer it to only 50 people EVER, so you'll also have to be quick to respond.

Here's how the leads work:

1.  You Order Them

2.  They are dropped into your GetResponse Autoresponder FOR YOU automatically on a daily basis.

3.  They receive a special, already proven to convert email series that Rob and I write FOR YOU.

4.  YOU Enjoy the results.

Normally, I am SUUUUPER skeptical of stuff like this and I don't touch it with a thousand foot pole.

But, here's why I am doing this...

Rob has been #1 or #2 in sales every month for the entire year so far.

Even going back into 2020 a month or two.

And these are the leads he's using to do it.

So, I can't argue with data.

But, as with this type of lead based marketing...

Too many fish in the pond muck it all up for everybody, and results suffer.

This is why...

I am Making This Offer to ONLY The First 50 That Respond

Maybe EVER.

At least until I am sure we can scale and produce results for more than that.

But 50 is as high as I can go right now.

So, if you want daily leads with literally zero work.

If you want those leads followed up with emails already PROVEN to convert them into sales.

Again with ZERO work on your part.

Here's What You Need To Do NOW:

1.  Be a paying customer of HBA Funnel Builder

2.  Be a Paying Member of HBA Premium

3.  Have a GetResponse PRO account ($49/month)

4.  Be willing to pay $97/month for 1,000 leads a month automatically dropped into your account, and followed up with.

5.  Be one of the first 50 to contact me.

Once I verify that steps 1 - 4 are done, and that you are a PERSONAL CUSTOMER of mine...

I will be on contact so we can get you set up correctly.

These initial 50 will also be a part of a special group I work closely and very personally with to help...

Get You Job Free With a 6-Fig Residual Cash Flow in 2021

Ok... that's it for now.

I will continue contacting you until the spots are filled.

And then you'll just be seeing us on the leaderboards.

Trust me, you'll know who the 50 are!

So, follow the steps in this email, and get back to me ASAP if you want to be one of them.

I'm so excited for you!


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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