Subject: Am I a jerk for this? (let me know)

I almost didn't send this, because taken out of context... I could look like a complete jerk!

I once brought in over 93k in a 30 day period and it sucked.

I show exactly how I did it in my book here (it's free).

But, it totally sucked.

The reason why is because I basically blew it.

And when I say "it," I mean my own personal dream lifestyle.

I was just breezing along enjoying life.

"Working" about 30 minutes a day... Which mostly consisted of sending an email or two.

And then doing whatever I wanted with the rest of my day.

I was taking home a pretty easy 10k to 20k each month doing this.

And then I caught the "guru" bug.

Finally, the gurus had gotten to me and I decided to be dumb.

I decided to build my own websites and sales funnels (instead of having it done for me).

I decided to create my own products (instead of having it done for me).

I decided to get merchant accounts, and handle customer service, and spend hours a day putting out fires.

And not only did it suck...

That 93k was taken from me (ALL of it), plus I almost went bankrupt.

I tell the whole story in my free book here.

But here's my point...

You can do everything yourself if you want to.

But, it takes a TON of time and money, and creates endless headaches.

Or, you can generate the same amount of income...

In WAY less time.

With WAY less work.

With pretty much ZERO headaches.

Because there is a way to do all of this while you let OTHER people happily do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff for you.

That's what I did before the 93k when I had my dream lifestyle.

That's what I do now to enjoy my dream lifestyle.

If you want to download and read my free book, you can see both ways.

Either way, you'll have a completely legitimate path to unlimited wealth creation.

If you're like me, and you want to create wealth AND have the time and freedom to use it how and when you want.

I'm guessing you'll take the 30 Minute Workday path.

Do me a favor though, and let me know what you decide.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (text me)

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