Subject: 🔵 why you can't get you more saIes

You can't do better than this. It's proven

It's officially PROVEN...

We are the fastest growing company in the industry, EVER!

That's Reason #1 why you won't make more saIes with anything else.

Because that's PROOF that way more people want what we have, than whatever you're trying to seII.

Reason #2: At least 30% and as high as 90% of everyone who opts in here, signs up in 7 days or less.

I am getting close to 80% lead to saIe conversions in less than 7 days

The industry average is that less than 1% buy what you're marketing in the first 7 days.

And 85% of your buyers won't even think about buying for AT LEAST 90 days.

How fun is it to wait 3 months for leads to "start" turning into saIes?

Many will drag their feet for up to 18 months!

No very fun, huh?

I know.

I've been there too.

Reason #3: Even though this is only 33 cents/day...

AT LEAST 2 brand new 6-FlG earners are created here every week.

It even allowed a guy to go from homeless and using a government phone from his wheelchair...

To having a 1OOk month in less than 6 months.

Again... 33 cents.

No upseIIs.

No one time offers...

Or any back end trickery of any kind.

What results is your company helping people get?

Because at the end of the day, your lack of customers is probably because they see a lack of results.

People want RESULTS.

Nobody on the planet in this industry is producing more 6-FlG earners than us.

And it's not even close.

Which seems weird because, again...

This is only 33 cents/day.

Which means that Reason #4 must be...

Our model is better than yours.

Because you're paying more, and making less, right?


I've been there too.

Not cool.

Reason #5: We get the opportunity to earn off of EVERY single dime the company ever makes.

Literally getting PAlD on the efforts of over 4OOk people.

And that's growing by up to 7k NEW people per day.

It will be a miIIion by the end of the year easily.

How many people are contributing to your income right now?

Up until 4 months ago when I got started with this NEW, better model...

I had to make every dime on my own.

Now... almost 2,500 people produce lncome for me daily.

In less than 60 days from now...

That number will grow to 5OOk (or how ever many people are in the company at the time).


Because again... this model is better, and I am close to being able to get PAlD on every single member in the company.

Anyway, I don't want to keep going (although I could).

I just wanted you to know why you weren't getting more saIes in your business right now.

We're getting most of them over here.

Now you know.

And if you used to watch the old G.I. Joe cartoon...

"Knowing is half the battle."

The other half is getting into this 33 cent per day saIes juggernaut.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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