Subject: 🔵 why so quiet?

Don't Worry Friend... I Didn't Get Abducted.

I get quiet sometimes.

And when a naturally introverted person gets quiet, that usually means completely silent.

At least it does for me.

In fact, I sometimes get so quiet, that my mom sends me out what I call the "welfare check" text or voicemail.

She always seems to know when am in a space.

But most times, when I am silent...

It means that I am just in deep thought.

Deep meditation.

Deep connection to God.

And that's where I have been lately.

In deep connection with God.

Because honestly, life has been a little bonkers lately.

And when it gets there, I like to stop and ask God...

Am I headed in the right direction?

Are the steps I am taking headed towards the future You called me to create, or away from it?

Then I listen.

Because I believe that my best life...

My best self...

My greatest contributions to the world come out of a desire to live in my calling.

My God given responsibilities.

And that's how I see my business.

A calling from God.

A responsibility to serve.

To contribute.

To create the future using the gifts that He gave me.

What this all means and why I am writing all of this to you is...

You aren't just a contact on my list.

Or a lead.

Or a random person who reads my emails.

I believe that God called me to guide you into the future that He has for you.

I see serving you as a wonderful responsibility.

And although that word sometimes gets a bad wrap...

I think it's one of God's highest honors to be responsible for guiding another person towards reaching their highest self.

It's why I don't run my business as a "transactional" business.

I am not looking to make sales.

I am looking to make connections that lead to transformation.

So, even though I have been quiet.

Silent in my case.

I have been searching my Spirit for the best way to serve you.

To guide you.

To connect with you in a way that lives up to the responsibility that God has honored me with.

Several years ago, in one of these moments of quiet, I asked God what my purpose was.

This is how He answered...

"I Have Called You To Be Free, So That You Can Use This Freedom to Serve Others in Love."

(Galatians 5:13 - my paraphrase)

And that's why I am here, Friend.

To serve you.

To love you.

To guide you into the future that God has for you.

Because in that future lies the most amazingly abundant, peaceful, and purposeful life you can imagine.

If you believe that I can help you, and you want to connect with me and step into the amazing future that God has called you to...

Email me, text me, or reach out to me using any of the platforms below.

Oh... and I'm stepping out of my silence.

It's time to get loud about the vision that God has been revealing to me.

It's time to run with it.

It's time to scream and blow the horns.

Like when God told Joshua to march around the city of Jericho 6 times in silence.

Then on the 7th, blow the horns and scream and watch the walls fall.

"On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets."

When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the people will go up, every man straight in."

It's time to make some noise and destroy the "walls of Jericho," whatever they are for you.

Maybe the walls that need to come down are lack.

Maybe unfulfillment.

Maybe you have the desire to contribute more to causes you care about.

Maybe you just know in your heart that you are meant to have more, do more, be more, and give more.

Whatever it is...

It's time to run straight into the future God has for you.

I'm so excited to connect with you.

And to run straight into your better future, Friend.

Enjoy your blessed Tuesday!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. You can also catch up with me on any of my channels below if you prefer.

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