Subject: 🔵 why is this so cool

Want to have the power to decide what companies, brands, products make it in the world?

You Were Called to Be Free, to Serve Others and Help Them Become Free

(Galatians 5:13)

That single piece of scripture helps to drive everything I do in my life and business.

Today, I realized that it's so powerful that it allows me a say (and YOU too) in positively changing the entire world.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a say in what businesses make it big?

To help determine which products get used the most.

Which leader's visions and mission is spread across the globe.

Mostly, we are at the mercy of what big time agencies "tell us" is the best company or service, or brand, or vision.

But here's what's cool about what I do, and what I teach in Affiliate Marketing.

We get to pick.

As affiliate marketers, we decide what to get behind.

What to push forward.

What to fight for.

And Together... We Can Use This Skill of Marketing and Influence to Change The World.

To make sure only the companies with the best intentions make it.

Only the products that produced great result without harming others are the ones who get used.

That only the leaders with the visions and missions that are serving and helping other people get spread.

And that is amazing.

It doesn't matter if you're fighting for pets, or people, or products, or music, or whatever.

With affiliate marketing, you pick your passion.

You pick the products and companies and people that best serve the world.

And YOU get to fight for them.

YOU push them forward.

YOU Have a Say in What Companies, Products, and Leaders Make it in The World.

And that, my friend, is super cool on a level that I never really fully considered until today.

We have this ability, through marketing other people's products, to set ourselves free.

But in doing so, we are also building those companies and people.

Which means we also get to help set those companies free to spread their products, services, missions, and vision across the world.

So powerful.

You might not immediately grasp how powerful that is.

I didn't at first.

So, take a few minutes to think about it this weekend.

Because when you get that you have the power to change the world by helping to set only the best people and products and companies free...

You'll be inspired to master this skill and create massive positive change and growth doing whatever it is that you love.

You Were Called to be Free, My Friend.

And to Use That Freedom to Help and Serve Others.

What a powerful way this is to do that.

The Freedom LaunchPad isn't just a product.

Or just a training.

Or just part of my business.

It's the steps I use to personally...

Fight For The Products, Companies, Services and People That Are Pursuing to Positively Benefit The World!

And it's my gift to you that gives you the power to do the same.

If you want to stop being told what to stand behind, and have a say in what makes it in the world.

If you want to fight for companies and products and people who do the most good without harming others.

If you want to have the ability to change the world, and create the most positive and highest version of it...


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!

P.P.S.  If you were too lazy or distracted to read the email, you're killing your own future and the future of others.

Stop being distracted.

Stop being lazy.

Read the email and give yourself the power to change the world.

Or, if you want to continue to have an attention span less than a goldfish and swim around in whatever bowl your boss, or the government, or society tells you to...

Just hit the unsubscribe button below and enjoy your tiny little world with dirty water and no say in getting out into the massive free waters you belong in.


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