Subject: 🔵 what does this mean, Friend?

Hope you're having an amazing weekend, Friend!

I've been having such a great weekend, and it has me thinking the same thought over and over again...

What does freedom mean?

And the truth I am finding for myself is...

Freedom is Everything and Anything.

What do I mean by that?

Well, for example... this weekend, here is what freedom has been for me:

Friday night it meant hanging out out with my wife and having our favorite tacos.

Walking through town and enjoying coffee, tea and conversation.

And finishing it off with the most amazing Vanilla Caramel Blondie ice cream for me, and goat cheese cherry for her.

Saturday it meant going to a giant flea market and walking around this little German themed town near use called "Frankenmuth."

It was a beautiful day here in Michigan.

Sunny and high 50's and a perfect day for walking and popping in and out of neat little shops.

We got these amazing little Crepe wraps, and again...

We (well in this case only me) finished off the day with delicious desert(s).

I had a double scoop of ice cream this time...

One scoop Banana's Foster, and the other Caramel Turtle Cheesecake.

And just because they had a cupcake place in town that won the TV show "Cupcake Wars," I had to get a cupcake too!

I don't do sweets very often, but when I do... I go all out!!!

That night, we cuddled up, watched a movie and shared a little popcorn.

Today (Sunday) freedom means just chilling out.

No worries.

No "what if" thoughts about the future.

No plans.

No dreading spending the next week at jobs we hate.

Whatever pops up...pops up.

If we want to go do something we will.

If not, we'll enjoy our home and family, and probably make some dinner together.

I guess what freedom means to me is being able to do what you want.

With who you want.

When you want.

Without fear of what it costs.

Without thinking about how much time we have before we have to get back to work.

Without all the fearful thoughts that keep a lot of people trapped and unhappy.

We're just "BEing" I guess is the best way I can put it.

Every day freedom can mean a different thing.

But, you first have to get to a place where you can have it.

I've always wanted to just be in a state where I could "Be" immersed in every moment.

Living in that sliver of time.

One sliver at a time and not missing one because I am fearful of something that may or may not happen in the next.

What does freedom mean to you today, Friend?

What is the ideal day for you?

The ideal life?

I find that it's best to start there.

Ask what lifestyle you want for you and your family.

And then start designing a way to create the resources and time you need to make it a reality.

You can do that at any point in life.

Our society wants to make you think that you have to have it all figured out by the time you're 20, but the truth is...

You Can Design and Redesign Your Life at ANY Moment.

My wife and I, for example... are recreating our life and relationship around our kids being around less and having more time with each other.

A place we haven't been in over 18 years.

But it's fun.

It's new.

And it possible because we asked the question...

How Do We Want Our Life to Be?

Then started looking for ways to create the resources we needed, and the time we wanted around that question.

Ask it for yourself today, Friend.

And no matter where you are.

No matter your age.

No matter your situation.

You can start redesigning your life in a way that creates the future you want.

Love God. Love people. Love life.

Nick Bramble

God Called You to Be Free... So you Have The Ability to Serve Others in Love.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you didn't get a copy of my book yet...

The one that shows you step by step everything I did that allowed me to create the life I wanted around that one question above, you can grab it here now.

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