Subject: 🔵 what does it cost?

Were you wondering how much it was going to cost to have an online business?

Just read an amazing quote from my good friend Paul.

He wrote...

"Building a business from home isn't always easy. Neither is living in the control of a boss tyrant, leaving your kids when they need you, or always being stressed about money"

Every choice has a cost.

It's just a matter how and what you want to pay with.

For example, most think they are getting paid by having a job they hate.

But the truth is...

YOU are paying to have that job with your time.

Your freedom.

Your passions and purpose unrealized.

Your disconnected family.

And your soul.

It's a little heartbreaking to me how many will pay that steep cost of not learning to build a business.

And it's equally as heartbreaking to me when a person says...

"Nah... I'm not paying $25 a month for that All in One thingy you have."

When that $25 actually BUYS them an actual already profitable business.

The tools to run it.

The PERSONAL help to build it.

And the LIFE LONG SKILL to create wealth time and freedom whenever they want.

Cause yeah...

All that's not worth $25 a month.

Netflix and Disney+ probably are though.

If today's email feels a little harsh, it's probably because you're one of the ones overpaying right now for a job, or a life that you don't want.

And you're feeling a little bit like this $25 is worth the ability to create all the changes you ever dreamed in your life.

It's ok.

Stop feeling bad.

Feel good about make better choices starting today.

Get a real, thriving, profitable business.

The tools to run it in a few minutes to an hour per day.

The personal help you need to stay on track.

And the skills to create wealth, time, and freedom for the rest of your life...doing ANYTHING that you love.

Here's that better choice.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. If you have questions AFTER going through all the the info on this page, text me and let's talk!



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