Subject: 🔵 want to feed 10,000 starving children?

Do You Think it's a Good Thing to Make Sure Children Around The World Have Food Daily?

We do too.

That's why as a company, we just donated over 10,000 meals to feed starving children.

And by meal, I mean that for every meal... a child is fed for an entire day.

That's 10,000 days of a starving child being fed!

Here's what's really cool though.

Some companies recognize their affiliates for sales.

Some for team building.

And that's fine, but here's what I think is WAY better...

Recognizing people for actual contribution to others.

That's why when I received two awards last night, they meant more to me than any contest won.

Any rank hit in previous companies.

And even any income made.

Because at the end of the day...

I truly believe that we have the power to create wealth for one reason...

To Contribute BACK to The World.

So, when I got an award for contributing my time and energy to help people inside of our community...

AND, I then got an award recognizing me for personally contributing massive amounts of meals to starving children...

I counted them as the two most important, most impactful recognition awards I have ever received.

And listen, I don't tell you this to "toot my own horn."

Truth is, I love helping people in this community, because they give so much of themselves to others, they deserve it.

And, because the company I have aligned with is awesome and donates meals on my behalf for every sale made, I am just getting rewarded in a positive way for building my business.

So, what I am really "tooting the horn of," is this company, it's owners, and it's community.

Because they are all by far the best people I have ever aligned myself with.

❤️ They help.

❤️ They give.

❤️ They serve.

❤️ They care about every member and customer.

At a level I have never seen before.

👉 If you want to stop buying stuff, and start getting results.

👉 If you want to work with people that will go out of their way to help you.

👉 If you want to feed starving children with every sale you make.

👉 And if you want to align with an entire community of people dedicated to helping YOU get free...

I know I'd love to have you.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. Below is a snapshot of just some of the recognition awards given away last night.

We're having another event in November.

I fully believe we can help you create an incredible freedom income by then, WHILE you're serving and giving back to the world.

If you want to meet us in November, Check This Out

P.P.S.  I Can't Wait to Meet You in Person!


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