Subject: 🔵 want all my personal pics and vids Friend?

If you want immediate and ongoing access to all of my personal pictures, videos, and stuff that most people don't see.

Hey Friend...

I'm not sure if you got this or not yesterday, so I wanted to resend it.

I will be out on the boat with family all day today, and will probably post some of those personal pics and vids later this weekend.

Details on how to get them below...

I have been a little bit AWOL lately.

I almost apologized, but truthfully...

I think we all need a little time away to reflect, regroup, and come back blazing and on fire for what we do.

Plus, I think in a constantly changing marketing landscape, it's important to really take some time to figure out how we want to use the platforms available to us.

I'll have more details soon, but for now, know this...I have been completely silent on social platforms for a long time.

In my little hiatus, it's occurred to me that my silence is actually hurting the people I can help.

If I have all of these ways to help you in an instant and I am not using them.

Shame on me.

So, here are all the places you can catch up with me:

Facebook: @nickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Youtube: @calledfree

Whatever you're usually on is cool.

I will be giving short updates and insight on each platform.

And by short, I mean short (except for YouTube).

YouTube is the only platform where I will be posting my full trainings.

The other platforms are just to keep you updated, let you get to know me better, and to have a little fun.

And no, I am not going to be doing stupid dances, or any of the other absurd stuff just to grab your attention.

If you want to pay attention to me, you will.

No "clickbait" needed.

I think that insults you and treats you like a stupid little goldfish anyway.

You're not that.

You're an amazing creation born to serve the world in incredible ways.


I'm heading full steam back into my 30 Minute Workday, so my posts on social will mostly use reels.

If you want to, connect with me on any of those that work for you.

When you do, you'll be sure to grab all of the gold nuggets I am laying down when it comes to creating your own 30 Minute Workday.

Yes, a 30 Minute Workday is possible.

Don't be fooled by the guru.

It won't happen day 1, but I can hep you get there as one of the few to actually live the lifestyle.

You're about to see it in action if you decide to connect with me.

I'm really excited to connect with you more!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If I did "opportunity" style webinars or lives once a week that showed the exact business I use to create a 30 Minute Workday, would you show up?

No "pseudo value" hidden in 3 secrets just to get you to buy something at the end.


Here's what I have.

Here's what it can do for you.

Here's how to get started.


Yes or no?

Thanks in advance for your input.

I appreciate you.


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