Subject: 🔵 unpopular message (that'll make you RlCH)

Wanna Hear an Unpopular Message That'll Make you Rlch if You Listen Friend?

It's one my daughter learned yesterday in a conversation I had with her about how she WON'T make 7-grand in the next 3O days...

But, she can do that anytime she wants if she does this one thing.

My daughter is discovering for herself that unless she gets the skills and ability to create for herself...

She's always going to have to rely on other people to determine how much weaIth, time, and freed0m she gets to enjoy (or not enjoy) in life.

I'm super happy that's she's starting to come to this realization on her own.

I've been teaching her that for years in both example and in conversation, but just as Jesus said...

Those closest to you often don't listen and have faith in your message.

But anyway, back to the ONE thing that I told her she needed to do.

She has been researching some ecomm stuff and sent me a text while I was out to dinner with my wife asking...

"Should I buy this product?"

Followed a few minutes later by


Growing up with a phone attached to her body, she doesn't always get that I most often don't have mine on me.

Especially when I am out to dinner!

Anyway, when I got back to the car, I told her that we could look at it together when I got home.

When I went into her room, she was already deflated because the "timer" expired and now the product was going to be double in price.

UGH... stupid timers.

Such as slimy marketing tactic that I have never enjoyed.

But, that's a different email altogether.

After I explained to her that the timers usually meant nothing, and we could still get it at the price she wanted...

I further deflated her (in a good way this time).

She was SUPER excited that the sales presentation had made it clear to her that she was "going to" generate 7-grand in the next 3O days.

And in comes dad with the unpopular message...

"Sure, that MAY be possible, but you're probably not going to do it.

But, the good news is, here's how you CAN generate that and more anytime you want."

BEFORE you Buy The Product, COMMIT That For The Next 12 Months You Are Going to Dedicate All your Time and Resources to Mastering The Same Skill and Process.

Her body sunk.

Her head fell a little.

Her smile started to turn down.

And the excitement kind of left her.

I knew my advice was 100% spot on, but I still felt for her.

I encouraged her that all the amazing results she saw are possible.

That she can do that and more.

That she can get the skills, and tools, and resources to create for herself for the rest of her life.

To ensure that she can have any level of time, weaIth, and freedo0m she wants.

For life.

But, it's going to take that one thing...

She has to COMMIT to it for a minimum of 12 months BEFORE she buys.

She still feels a little betrayed by the sales message (as she probably should).

But, it's a good learning lesson, and she is on board for taking a serious run at getting the skills she needs to positively shape the rest of her life.

Whether that be ecomm or something else.

Which is cool.

If she continues to decide well...

Before she is 20 years old, she'll have a skill she can turn into weaIth, time, and the life she desires and deserves.

And she'll never have to rely on jobs, companies, and people to determine those things on her behalf.

Why do I tell you all of this?

Because, if you want the FASTEST path to the LIFETIME of weaIth, and time, and freed0m that YOU deserve, the "unpopular" advice is the same.

Decide what you want to do.

Make a commitment to master that skill for the next 12 months BEFORE you even start.

And spend as much time as you possibly can mastering that thing over those 12 months.

I promise you that if you do that...

You will come out the other side with an almost magical skill to create for yourself, your family, and those you want to serve in the world at will.

It's like being able to pull that weaIth, time, and freed0m out of mid air whenever you want.

Increase it whenever you decide.

If that sounds amazing to you, I'd recommend not waiting.

Start now with fresh excitement.

And by this time next year, you'll be a magical creator of your own extraordinary life.

Pretty cool stuff.

If you'd love to get the skill to do what I do...

To build a business around something you love, simply recommending products, tools, services, and companies that you are passionate about.

Without creating products or sales funnels.

Without dealing with customer service.

Without having to be a master salesperson or copywriter.

And letting other people do much of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff for you...

So, you're able to have a profitabIe business you love...

PLUS, have an abundance of time and freed0m to use your weaIth however you want...

Email me, text me, or catch me on any of the platforms below, and we can talk about a 12 month plan that will cost you less than what my daughter spends on hot chocolate.


I am not dropping a link.


Because I want to work WITH you on a daily basis to make sure you get the magical skills.

I want you to be a transformational story, not some transaction that pays me a couple of bucks.

No matter what you decide, let me know what you're going to commit to over the next 12 months.

I'd be happy to help you out in any way that I can.

The more people we have living their dreams...

The closer we can get to the amazingly happy, abundant life that God created us for.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. You can also catch up with me on any of my channels below if you prefer.

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