Subject: 🔵 this is so cool

We just got this from Feed My Starving Children...

What's pretty cool is that each manna pack is a full days worth of meals.

That means over 17,000 DAYS worth of meals was provided from a single donation.Even more cool...

As a community, we have provided over 180,000 DAYS worth of meals to FMSC.

Because with every sale generated, we donate at least 1 days worth of meals.

Feels good to be building something that is focused on giving back.

It's no wonder we are attracting amazing, heart centered people like this who want to use their weaIth to give back and create better futures for all...

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you want the ability to create great weaIth for yourself, in a way that gives back to others at the same time...

You can meet our community here and see if it might be for you.

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