Subject: 🔵 something BIG is coming

Open if you like monthly recurring revenue without all of the hassles

Read This Email if You Like (and want) Monthly Recurring Revenue...

Without all of the hard, techy, time consuming expensive stuff that it normally takes to get it!

So, I have been showing you...

How to build a business online without your own products.

Without building complicated websites or funnels.

Without having to deal with customer service.

Without knowing how to write ad copy.

Without having to figure out merchant accounts and how to accept payments.

I actually walk you through step by step how to do that in my products.

But what if instead of showing you how to do it...

I Just Let You Use The Exact Products and Entire Sales Funnels That I Use.

That you can set up in 30 minutes or less with no tech skills or hassle.

And then AFTER you already have a profitable business set up...

My partners and I will show you how you can do it.

Because this is a skill that I want you to have FOR LIFE!

But, I realize you don't have it yet...And you need results RIGHT NOW in your life.

This is why my partners and I want to give you the Ultimate Shortcut to Freedom.

So far, the products and sales funnels in this Freedom Shortcut have already...

Generated Over 1.3 MILLION in Verified Revenue For Others Just Like You...

So... there is no question that this shortcut is working.

This very small group of people is about to be expanded to a limited number of qualified applicants (hopefully YOU).

The only question you have to answer is...

Are You a Good Fit to Get Access to This Amazing Shortcut?

That is what I want to figure out.

So, if you KNOW that you want access...

Reply to this email with answers to the following questions...

1.  Do you want to build something that you believe in, and that you are proud of?

2.  Are you willing to put DAILY time into learning the SKILLS to be able to do this for yourself for the rest of your life?

3.  Do you value people and the results you can help them get over profits?

4.  Do you understand that to turn products and sales funnels into ongoing revenue, marketing is required?

5.  Are you willing to show up once per week to learn LIVE from the people already getting amazing results with these products and funnels?

6.  Are you willing to share your success with others after you achieve it?

7.  Are you committed to achieving FREEDOM not just for yourself, but helping others achieve freedom as well?

(See the definition of freedom in the P.P.S. below)

8.  Are you willing to listen to those who tell you what's working and IMPLEMENT what you learn (even if it's new or challenging)?

If (and only if) You Can Submit a Single Answer of YES to Every Question Above, Reply "Yes" to This Email Right Now

I will add you to a special follow up list that gives you PRIORITY over all others when this is released to the public in the coming week or so.

This is important, because again...

This is not for everyone and only those who get accepted, get access.

This Gives You a Definite Advantage Over The Thousands Who Will Soon Be BEGGING to Receive Access!

So go ahead and hit reply right now and type "yes" if you can answer a definite YES to ALL of the 8 questions above.

I'm excited to welcome you into this shortcut, and this community of Freedom Crusaders dedicated to helping you get free.


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!

P.P.S. What does FREEDOM mean to us?

It means that you have enough recurring monthly revenue to be job free...

Plus, have all of your bill paid before the month begins.

And to have a secure abundance available to be able to spend your time with those that you love the most.

And equally if not more important...

Serving and helping the communities and causes that make you feel alive and excited about life.


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