Subject: 🔵 shhh... you're first to know.

You're One of Just 155 People Who Will See This Message... Because You're Awesome!

You are what I call my "favorite people" Friend!


Because out of the thousands that get my emails every single day...

You're one of the few who open nearly every single thing I send out.

So first off, let me give you a big THANK YOU for trusting me enough to pay attention.

I don't take that lightly.

You could be spending your time doing a thousand different things, and you're here hanging out with me.

And because of that, I want to tell you a secret.

Part of my secret is this...

I don't want to work with just anyone.

I want to work with people like you who pay attention.

Who care about the future you're creating.

Who are reachable.

And who are super serious about building something long term that can provide for you and your family for generations.

In full truth, I only really want to partner WITH 100 total people for one main reason...

It's that word WITH.

I want to intimately work with you.

Connect with you often, even daily.

And really focus on getting every person in that group of 100 to a long term, residual (ongoing) 1OOk yearly residuaI lncome in 12 months or less.

Why Am I Doing This?


I 100% believe that we are all called free by God to serve others.

Free meaning we are creating weaIth in a way that gives us the time and freed0m to be with those that we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving and providing for the people, communities, and causes that we are most excited about.

How Am I Going to Help You Do This?

By giving you a completely ready to go muIti-miIIion dollar sales machine that already does over 2OOk monthly in sales.

  • All the products, websites, customer support, product delivery, community building, ads and ad copy, emails, and more are provided.

  • You'll get 8O% COMMlSSlONS even though nearly all of the work is done for you!

By working WITH you personally DAILY.

  • Myself, and several other high level 6 and 7 flgure earners are live M - F to show you what we do, and give you personal help and coaching. This is as close to "hand-holding" as it gets.

  • You'll also have access to a 24/7 chat where you can get instant help and answers anytime you want.

By giving you a complete and PROVEN step by step plan to be set up and ready to go in as little as 30 to 60 minutes.

  • We've handled all the tech, so you're literally just a few mouse clicks away from having your sales machine set up.

By giving you a PROVEN fast start marketing plan that works... even if it's your first day online.

  • Simple strategies that you can do in a few minutes to get you up and running. Many are getting sales in their first 48 hours.

By handing you a complete All in One Business that has the tools you need, the sales machine, the training, the community, and every single thing you need in ONE place!

  • No more wasting time and money on multiple products, logins, trainings, etc. Ever single thing you need is here.

What Specifically is Included?

There is so much inside that this email would take me all night to write...

So I will let you check it out here if this is sounding amazing to you and you want to take a closer look.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. I have a second secret. I have been secretly been working on the updated, 2nd edition of my book.

Shhh 🤐

What I am in the process of building that you will get first access to is a brand new book funnel that will allow you to gather $453.6O for every book you give away, PLUS up to $I2O per month per customer.

The 1st edition has well over 1OOk downloads already, so this is a high demand give-away.

For now, if you watch this entire video and read this entire page, you'll get all of the details on working PERSONALLY with me and my 7-flG partners.

No pressure.

I just wanted to give you first dibs.

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