Subject: 🔵 quick reminder for you Friend

Just as reminder if you need it.

Or, if you're like I was several years ago, maybe something you just need to know for the first time.

He always has a way to kindly reminding me when maybe I’m putting the wrong things first in life.

This song has deep personal meaning to me for reasons maybe I’ll talk about at some point.

This song was my first favorite song after finally letting Jesus in.

In the darkest place of my life.

Buried in the rubble of my bad choices, selfishness, and addictions...

Jesus stayed close to me.

Even though I openly loathed Him.

Even though I thought Christians were weak, and stupid, and openly spoke that.

Even though I had such a disdain for Jesus, that I’d make up curse words with His name in them just to…

Well, I don’t even know why I did that last one.

But even though I’d never given Him anything but my worst…

When I was at my worst moment, He showed up.

I was alone.



And sobbing uncontrollably.

I did what I never thought I’d do…

I asked Jesus to come into my heart.

And it was as if He was sitting next to me and wrapped His arms around me.

It was as if a button was pushed and my torment became peace.

I wasn’t removed from my consequences, but I was immediately set free from my despair.


I can’t even really fully explain it.

Even now, He seems to be guiding me towards something greater.

I only meant to say that this song was immensely important to me.

But I can’t stop myself from typing, and all I can think is this…

YOU needed to hear this.

To read this.

To know that no matter what you’ve done, or said, or thought…

Jesus loves you.

And He’ll take you in, just like He did me.

Not forcefully.

When you’re ready.

He’ll never bring up the things you did.

He’ll never remember the things you said about Him.

All He’ll see is that you are His son.

His daughter.

His child.

And He’ll immediately wrap His arms around you and give you nothing but love.

Because no matter what, you’re perfect to Him.

And all He’s ever asked for is your permission to come in.

Because love can’t be forced.

Can’t be coerced if it’s to be real.

I kept typing because you are in a place where I was.

Running from Jesus because nobody, especially God… could love you after what you’ve said and done.

I’m here to tell you that I am living proof that He’s waiting for the invite.

Full of love.

Full of forgiveness.

Full of life.

Just ask Him to come in.

It’s that simple.

Trust me.

I know.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. The Called Free Life was born out of a Word I feel I received from God that I was "Called free to serve others in love."

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