Subject: 🔵 please just stop Friend

At some point, you've got to get a little tired of the same ol' crap that brought you here, right?

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Get Real Personal Help Daily, and...

I was on a training last night that called 8 second to 1 minute clips of mostly nonsense "Valuable Content."

That's the madness of the culture we're living in right now.

NEWS FLASH: You aren't going to get anything actionable and useful from an 8 second clip.

From a 1 minute clip... MAYBE something useful, but nothing truly actionable.

So here's what's happening...

You Scroll, scroll, scroll.

Listen, listen, listen.

Watch, watch, watch.

But, never DO, DO, DO!!

And listen, your phone and the apps on it spend insane amounts of money on research and development specifically designed to keep you scrolling.

So, it can be hard to fight these "Dr. Evil" level manipulations that trick your brain all day long.

But, if you want to break out of the life you're in, and escape into the lifestyle you dream about...

You've Gotta Stop The Madness!!!

Stop scrolling.

Stop watching.

Stop listening.

And Start DOING!

Here's how I stepped into my dream lifestyle after years of time wasting and struggle.

You can do the same if you're ready to stop the scroll.

1. Get Real, Personal, Daily help from people who have the life you want.

2. Take DAILY action on what they show you.

3. Get immediate corrections and feedback on what you're doing (again, by these same already successful people)

4. Grow a business you love 100x faster without the struggle, the wasted time, and the wasted money.

Quick Recap:

👉 The scroll is wasting your life away.

👉 You won't learn anything useful 1 minute at a time.

👉 The KEY to getting to your dream life more quickly, with less struggle, and for way less money, is...

Personal Daily Help From People Already Massively Successful Doing What You Want to Do.

If you want to stop the scroll, and start building your dream life...

You can get a ready made $2.2 million dollar business here, PLUS the personal daily help to build it quickly.

Are you ready to start working WITH people who want to help you...

And run away from those who are just feeding into the lizard brain trickery going on right now?

If you are, I'm running too... You can come with me here.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you are an affiliate marketer using reels and shorts and TikToks in your business, and this offends you.


You shouldn't be thinking these clips are meant for, or can provide value.

It's nonsense, and you aren't helping anybody.

But, here's a quick tip on two things these 8 second and 1 minute clips really can do...

1. They can allow people to start to know YOU and your personality.

As an affiliate marketer, YOU are your business...

And if you want to build long term, your people have to know YOU.

2. These clips can lead the people you're trying to help into pieces of REAL value and into the offers you believe will help them hit their goals.

But let's stop pretending that these few seconds in and of themselves are value, and something that should be scrolled through for hours.

They're not.

As a marketer, feeding into that is just expanding the trickery...

And it's scientifically proven that it's actually making everybody a little bit dumber 8 to 60 seconds at a time.

And if you're like me, you want to build a community of intelligent partners and customers, right?


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