Subject: 🔵 my shockingly honest confession

Open and read to see my shockingly honest confession about marketing

I hate marketing!

Whew... feels good to get that off of my shoulders.

I love reaching people.

I love helping people.

I love giving good people like you the tools, and training, and personal help it takes to create your own freedom.

But... I loathe the endless marketing.

And follow up.

And trying to show up in every platform just to get a click or an opt in.

And spending precious giving you endless free stuff when my real intention (and the intention of anybody who sells anything)...

Is to get you to buy.

Truth is, everything I know.

Everything I have ever done.

Everything I still do is in this book I wrote and give away freely.

Truth is...

The step by step, over the shoulder training of how to turn the knowledge inside of the book into freedom is here in The Freedom LaunchPad.

And that's as inexpensive as a good pizza.

Truth is...

The tools I use, and traffic resources I use are inside of The Freedom LaunchPad as well.

But here's another truth...

The "Gurus" have made you think it's hard.

They have made you think that there are secrets.

That you need to keep buying thing after thing.

Searching for the latest "secret" or software.

And that, my friend...


Truth is...

How to reach people with your message has NEVER changed.

Only the platforms and the tech used.

And those things make it WAY easier and less expensive.

Not harder and more costly.

So, although I think it's crazy that I have to put the same message in front of you.

I know that one day you'll see it.

You'll get it.

And you'll finally decide that today is the day you want to stop buying endless garbage.

Today is the day you stop wasting your most precious asset, TIME endlessly searching for the latest secret and software.

That today you'll realize that this is super simple, and pretty insanely inexpensive as well to learn and do.

(When you have a person who cares about your results, not your credit card limit helping you)

And you'll not just get the things you actually need, and ONLY the things you need...

But you'll also partner with me and an entire community of people who actually put PEOPLE ahead of profits.

And you'll...

Make today the day you start creating your future, instead of just dreaming about it.

So again... here's the blueprint and the plan that I freely give away.

And here's the step by step help to turn the plan into the future you deserve and desire.

It really is this simple.

Here's to your future!


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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