Subject: 🔵 my dumb 20 year mistake (how to avoid)

NOTE: There is nothing to buy in this email, but this email could have a miIIion doIIar idea in it.

I've made a huge mistake and it's costing me (and you) BIG time.

Here's the scoop...

EmaiI marketing has allowed me to create 7-FlGS onIine.

I'm super grateful for it.

But, it's kind of a dumb strategy, and nobody is really talking about how dumb it really is.

Let's break down the numbers, so I can prove it to you.

If you are REALLY good, your email open rates are 15-20%.

If you're a total rockstar, ninja, ultimate email magician... your open rates are 30%

What this means is that most people and companies are getting less than 2 out of every 10 people that they spent time and money on to open their emails.

And the click rates, ugh... even worse.

Basically, with email...

You're paying with your time and money for 100 leads, and getting maybe 15 or 20.

Does that seem like a good deal to you?

If you ordered a large pizza that was supposed to have ten slices, and it showed up on your table with 2...

Would you pay?

Heck no!

But, that's the "deal" we've decided is the "best" marketing strategy.

Frustrated with this, I have been looking into new ways to reach you.

Because open rates aren't just dependent on how good YOU are...

They are also at the mercy of giant blocking agencies like google, and mail servers who get to decide who gets into your inbox.

You can send the best content that your list asked you for, and still see a lot of it hit a folder outside of the inbox.

This is a big contributor to only a small percentage even getting opened.

Even if you're a superstar, you can't reach more than 3 out of ten.

WAHOO... now the 10 piece pizza I paid for is 3 pieces.

Big whoop dee doo, right?

But, did you know that there is another way to reach the people who you spent time and money to get on your list...

That gets read 90% of the time in 2 minutes or less.

And 98% end up reading within an hour?

Which brings up the question...

Is only reaching 20% of people smart when you can reach 98% instead?

Of which 90% read in 2 minutes or less!

Makes email seem kinda dumb, right?

I agree.

It sure does!

And email is not getting any easier, it's just getting harder by the day.

Which can be maddening.

What's even more maddening, is that I've made 7-FlGS with email reaching only 20% of my list on average.

What if I was reaching 90 - 98% instead?

Holy Shamoly!

Makes me cringe a little.

Anyway, at this point, you may be asking...

"What's the point of your rant, Nick?"

Three things:

First, it's to let you know that you might want to consider other contact strategies if you want to stop wasting nearly all of your time and money.

Second, it's to let you know that I am moving away from email and moving towards all of my follow up being through text and telegram.

Text, because that's that rockin' follow up strategy that gets you read 98% of the time.

And Telegram because at least it gets 100% of the things I send you popping up on your phone.

Nobody blocking me, or deciding FOR YOU if you want to read my stuff or not.

You get to see it and decide.

Third, it's to let you know how to keep getting everything I send if you feel like I give you enough value to spend your time with me.

So, if you do value my content and want to keep getting it...

1. Text me using the number at the bottom of this email.

I'll be adding you to my sms follow up.

And NO, this is not automated.

I will manually be adding you to my sms list, and sending 2 - 3 texts per week to you.

Not automated garbage.

Real, in the trenches, what's working now findings.

Plus, my random thoughts on God, food, marketing, and building a life that you love that serves the callings God puts on your heart.

2. My Telegram contact info is below.

Just click on the blue envelope and send me a message.

I'll be creating a group soon that I will deliver all of my content into.

Including my best spur of the moment training, ideas, and content revealing how I have been free to do whatever I want for nearly 20 years.

I'm not sure how many emails I have left in me, so if you want to continue hearing from me, be sure to follow those 2 steps.

Either way, I love you and want the best for you.

Thank you for your time until now.

I truly appreciate it.

And if you decide to stay in the dark ages and only interact via email, I wish you all the blessings that God has for you.

Although, I will tell you that I believe that He is probably waiting for you in the future too.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

517-258-2203 (Text Anytime)

P.S.  I am also starting a podcast that will be exclusively heard by only those on my sms and Telegram lists.

This podcast is where I will literally be giving away 20 years of knowledge, tools, tips, and strategies that have allowed me to create massive weaIth and live free to serve God.

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