Subject: 🔵 missed you last night

I didn't see you last night, but no worries... I recorded everything for you right here.

Here's what you missed.

How we're getting as many as 4,000 PAlD signups per day.

The secrets behind how we convert 30% of opt ins into PAlD members in 7 days or less.

The math behind turning less than $10 bucks into thousands monthly... even weekly.

Why over 900,000 PAlD members are expected to pile in before the end of this year.

Plus, you'll see how I am getting PAlD on nearly 20X more customers than I personally created.

So... we had a lot of fun here last night to say the least.

If you love what you see, and you want to set this up for yourself...

Just shoot me a text or email after you watch the replay.

I'll show you how you can take a 100% free tour.

Just let me know.

Happy Friday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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