Subject: 🔵 looking for you tonight

Am I Looking For You Friend?

Here's who we're looking for and why.

We're looking Crusaders.

And a crusader by definition is a person who actually FIGHTS for the things they believe in.

A crusader is passionately seeking to create the change they desire in the world.

By allowing incredible people like you into our rapidly growing Freedom Crusader Community here, we are...

Exponentially Increasing The Amount of People We Can Reach and Help and Work Together With to Create Real FREEDOM in The World!

And when dreamers like you are set free...

Given the time...

The ability to create great weaIth...

The lifestyle freedom to go and do and be what you want.

And the mental freedom to think on the things that light a spark in your heart.

It unlocks the best version of you.

It allows you to see the future you want.

To go and create it.

And to positively change the lives of the people, communities, and causes that you were born to serve.

If you're looking to create more weaIth for yourself and others...

If you're serious enough about it to spend the next 12 months working PERSONALLY with us daily to get the skills to create that weaIth for life...

This community approach to just might be the thing your heart has been desperately searching and longing for.

Any questions, please reach out in whatever way works best for you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. You can also catch up with me on any of my channels below if you prefer.

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