Subject: 🔵 lncome for you giving away f.ree stuff??

Every time I think it can't get more simplified, it does.This is crazy

I keep saying that I don't think the AffiIiate model can get more simple...

And then systems like this make it so a 3rd grader could get results.

Seriously... it's kinda crazy.

But of all the stuff I have seen, this one is truly a game changer, I think.

It removes every obstacle.

Plus, adds every single benefit at the same time.

Let me drop a scenario for you.

Imagine for a moment that you never had to promote or seII anything ever again.

No programs or 0pps or products or latest and greatest.

Imagine if you could just go to the market you wanted to serve and say...

Here is a f.ree training that will help you get more [insert result THEY want].

No begging them to join anything.

Or get in first.

Or ever even ask them for the saIe.

You just actually recommend to them cool resources and training that will help them.

And instead of looking like a program hopper.

Or as link dropper.

Or an 0pp of the week peddler.

You just look cool and helpful.

You become the hero instead of the slimy saIes program of the week person.

And instead of getting ghosted on social, you get showered with thanks.

Because you recommended a real, valuable, f.ree training that got somebody a result.

Continue to imagine that as they are getting the results they want, they buy stuff.

They get the tools they need.

They get the training they need.

They get the resources they need.

And EVERY time they do for the rest of time, YOU get the credit.

Without every even trying to seII anything.


Whether they buy one thing.

Or 10 things.

Or 20.

YOU always get the credit.

For the rest of time.

On EVERY thing they get.

And all you had to do was send them a single f.ree resource that would help them.

One time.

Imagine saIes actually coming in from all over the place without you even trying.

It's called "Invisible SaIes," and it's real.

It's been how I've made an astonishing amount of saIes over the last 20 years not even trying.

Now, somebody has figured out how to systematize this invisible process.

And the AffiIiate model has officially changed forever.

It's gotten more simple.

It's gotten more fun, because now we can actually just help people.

Never chase.

Never beg.

Never feel slimy.

Never be at the mercy of the latest new thing.

It's pretty awesome.

And if you want this new, fun, more simple, non seIIing affiIiate model...

You can find it by pressing down on this link here.

Hope your Thursday is awesome.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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