Subject: 🔵 does God matter, Friend?

Happy Monday, Friend!

From paying attention to and studying successful people of all walks of life over the last 20 years, I have learned that every great accomplishment in life starts with 3 things:

1. A strong, inner felt pull, desire, or unshakeable dream to do something bigger.

2. A decision to refuse to be average. That you MUST make that inner dream a reality no matter what.

3. A desire to help and serve others either by pursuing your dream, or through the success of it. Using the time, wealth, freedom and energy you gain to help others.

For me, I believe that God gives us the dreams of our hearts.

And a few years ago, He laid in my heart a piece of scripture that changed the course of my life.

To paraphrase, it says...

"You are Called Free Not Just For Your Own Benefit, But to Serve Others in Love."

When I received that call, I was leaving the industry to be completely selfish.

I had just learned the skill of trading in the markets, and had developed a system that I could use to never connect with another human again and still create and provide for my family.

At the time, I was frustrated with the home business industry. I was going to leave it altogether...

And I was going to use this skill to sit in my office by myself and just accumulate for me.

At pretty much the same exact time, I got an invite from an online acquaintance of mine to check out a business.

I was a little reluctant, but when I checked it out... I was blown away.

It solved everything that I thought couldn't be solved.

It put people ahead of profits.

It had a community that served and helped each other just for the sake of helping.

Not for some pass up commission (of which there are none).

But the funny thing is, even though there are no pass ups or anything like that...

People actually help each other here more than any place I have ever been or seen.

There are 1,000 different awesome things I could list about this special place.

Like it actually teaches you PRINCIPLES that can be used to create and provide for you and your family for the rest of your life.

In any business.

For any passion.

Not just short term tactics that leave people broke and frustrated when they change.

But one last one that was super important to me is that... built into the company was contribution.

With every sale we make, AT LEAST one child is fed for an entire day.

To date, we've provided over 15Ok DAYS worth of meals to starving children all over the world.

In short, just the act of building my business, and helping you build yours...

The world is impacted in a hugely positive way.

All of this is important to me, because I don't see what I do as a business.

I see it as a call from God.

When you take my offers, I don't see you as a transactional "customer."

I see you as a person with goals, dreams, desires that you want to transform into the vision you have for yourself and others.

I believe that our desires are placed there by God, and by achieving them...

We're stepping into our life's true purpose.

We're using the skills, time, resources, and energy we gain from getting free... to help others step into their purpose.

It's this amazing cycle where by you and I achieving our dreams, we're unlocking the dreams of others...

And it creates a bunch of amazing people free to change the world in the way they feel called to in their hearts.

Maybe you don't know your exact purpose right now and that's ok.

But, the people I am looking to partner with are those that feel in their heart the desire to do more.

To have more.

To be more.

And to GIVE more back to the world than you take.

Whether you believe in the same God as me, or in God at all...

There is a calling inside of us that's sometimes impossible to deny.

It's that feeling you have at work that says...

"There must be more than this."

It's that pain you feel in your heart when you see pain or tragedy in others and you can't do as much as you'd like.

It the loneliness you feel when everyone around you seems consumed with themselves...

And you just want to GIVE more.

It's even in the envy you feel when you see others doing great things.

Because you experiencing that envy means that you're seeing your own greatness in that person reflecting back to you.

All of that together is a call on your heart.

On your life.

And if you feel it too, I'd love to connect more.

So we can transform each other.

So we can transform the world around us into the wonderful visions that live in our heads and hearts.

Because that's what we're meant to do.

If you feel all of that too, I truly hope to hear from you, Friend.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. To date, we have provided over 15OK DAYS worth of meals to starving children all over the world.

Just email me, text me, or hit me up on any of the platforms below if you feel called to do more, have more, be more, and give more...

And you feel like this just might be the place to do that.

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