Subject: 🔵 are we enslaving our children?

This week, my teenage son got another $163.54 commission for doing something he loves over 3 years ago.

He gets them every 30 or 60 days, even though he only put a couple of hours into it over 3 years ago and hasn't touched it since.

I talk about it here in this short 1 minute video, if you want to watch it.

In fact, the game he did the work for, he hasn’t even played in at least 2 years.

And it got me thinking about how our children are always watching.

👀 Watching how we create money

👀 Watching how we spend money

👀 Watching how we save money

👀 Watching how we grow money

👀 Watching how we GIVE money

Our kids don’t always do what we say.

But, they almost always grow up emulate what we DO.

So when it comes to making, spending, saving, growing, and giving money… what are we teaching your children?

Our grandchildren maybe?

Are we teaching them to be a slave to making money?

Are we teaching them that they have to trade all of their time to make money?

Are we teaching them that making money is hard and a struggle?

Are we teaching them to hoard it, because it might disappear?

Or, are you teaching them (SHOWING them), how to be FREE.

⭐️ How to create money even while they don’t work, so they have time and freedom to enjoy it.

⭐️ How to invest money so it works for them.

⭐️ How money is just the result of finding people with a need to serve, and serving that need… so it can ALWAYS be created.

⭐️ How to GIVE money knowing that more is always available to those who create and serve.

I don’t always do it right, even today.

But, as much as I can, I work to be an example in front of my kids to be free.

I show them in my actions that you don’t have to live like a slave to wages, and bills, and lack, and unfulfilling work.

That you can take what you love and create for others.

😀 And so when my son gets those commissions, it lights me up every time.

Because I know he’s learning to design the life he wants, then create the wealth he needs around that.

He’s learning to live freely.

To think freely.

To give freely.

He won’t be a slave.

He’ll take the skills, and desires, and heart to serve that God gave him, and he’ll multiply all of it.

Knowing God has given him the power to create wealth.

Knowing inside of himself is the ability to create for himself and others.

Knowing there is always more to give.

And that’s how God wants it, I believe.

Like the parable of the talents… when God gives you something, He wants you to use the power inside of you to do something with it.

God wants you to use your skills, your desires, your heart, your mind to multiply it.

When you do, there will always be more.

Which sets you free to think higher thoughts.

💭 To dream bigger dreams.

⭐️ To give and serve without limits.

And in that giving and service is what I believe to be the ultimate freedom.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. Here's that 1 minute video if you missed it above.

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