Subject: 🔵 You're my favorite Friend

So I have a really special opportunity for you that almost nobody else will ever see inside of this email

Because you open almost all of my emails Friend...

I have a REALLY special offer for you.

How would you like me to give you an amazing sales machine that pays you up to $420 right away...

PLUS, up to $120 per month for every one of my free books that you give away?

How powerful is this book, and why would you want to give it away?

Here's one of my favorite examples...

Imagine how simple it would be to give away something that can produce those kind of results in a person's life, Friend.

People will literally be begging you to send them a copy.

And when you do, the sales machine that's already built for you will go to work and help put $420 right away and up to $120 per month into your pocket.

⭐ The sales machine will be built for you.

⭐ The emails will be provided.

⭐ I have special push button traffic resources that I almost never share that I will give you.

⭐ PLUS... you'll have the ability to work directly with me and several other 7 figure earners on a daily basis to help you give away as many books as possible.

I'm talking about real, personal help and guidance.

Not videos or trainings or recordings.

LIVE personal help.

Here's how to take the next step and see if we're a good fit to partner on this:

1. Send me a text at 833-219-0822

2. Include your FULL name, and BEST email in the text.

3. Let me know if you have read the book and what you think of it in the text.

You're special, Friend...

But I'm not looking to make this available to just anyone.

In fact, it will be super limited to those who meet the following criteria.

You have to love the book and believe it will help people.

If you haven't read it, grab it here and read it today.

You have to have a real desire to help people get free (including yourself).

You'll have to be reachable (by text, email, social, etc.) and coachable.

You'll need a minimum of $25 per month to set up your sales machine.

If you feel like you're a perfect fit...

1. Send me a text at 833-219-0822

2. Include your FULL name, and BEST email in the text.

3. Let me know if you have read the book and what you think of it in the text.

I am so excited for this partnership project, Friend.

We're starting a revolution of people who have the ability to create all of the resources they need in as little as 30 minutes per day...

So you can spend time with those you love the most.

Doing the things that you love the most.

And serving and contributing to the people, causes, and communities that speak to your heart.

The freedom revolution is here.

And you get to be first.

I'm so stinkin' excited!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"



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