Subject: 🔵 Your future is inside

The future doesn't just happen, it is created by you.

It's easy to think that the future just keeps "Happening."

But the truth is, your future doesn't just happen by chance.


And every choice you make is like one of those "Choose Your Adventure" books where you get to have massive input on how the future plays out.

Remember those books?

You'd be reading and then it would give you two options to decide on which way the story goes.

I loved them!

I believe that God gave everything on earth a certain intention.

A certain reason for being here.

It's easy to see that in nature as we look at how all things work, but it's hard to see in humanity.

Because in nature, everything just does what it's supposed to.

A honeybee makes honey, and bees in general pollinate the entire world and create life everywhere..

Trees take in Co2 and make oxygen supporting life.

Nature doesn't get to choose whether or not to bring life to the world.

Humans do.

Which can be the problem.

Because we can choose to not step into the dreams and desires that were placed into our hearts.

We can choose to ignore the dream and pursue something more safe...

Like a job you hate.

But your future.

The better future for humanity is in your dreams.

In your desires that God Himself gave you.

My point is this...

The future is IN you.

It's going to happen BECAUSE of you.

The question then is...What kind of future will you create?

One that unlocks your true dreams, your true desires, the massive full potential that God placed in you.

Or one that is a lesser version of that.

One that allows you to settle.

One that allows others to suffer.

And yes, if you don't pursue your dreams.

If you don't pursue the truest and best version of yourself.

Others will suffer.

First you...and then those that you were meant to serve.

So what dreams sit in your heart that you aren't chasing?

What dreams are haunting you because they need to live and breath?

Make a decision TODAY to stop settling and to start pursuing.

To pursue the dreams and desires that you know you have.

Because in them is the best future possible.

Both for you...

And for those that are depending on you.

I believe in you.

I am here for you.

The future is waiting for you and what you have.

I can't wait to see what life you bring to it!


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

Author of The 30 Minute Workday

Creator of The Freedom Launchpad

P.S.  You CAN Get Job Free, So you Can Live Free and Be More for the People God Has Called You to Serve!


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