Subject: 🔵 Your brain is being F'd with (by magicians)

You'd be shocked at how little control you have over your brain right now. Your thoughts aren't even your own.

It's Starting to Get Creepy, and I Don't Want to be Another Creeper Manipulating Your Brain!

Confessions of a Former Member of The Secret Society of Mind Control Marketers

Ok, so let me explain...

You're being controlled.

In fact, most of the thoughts you have, and the little actions you are talking on a daily basis are strategically planned.

By somebody else.

Each little ding on your phone.

Each little notification.

Each headline you read on every website you visit.

Is implanting a thought.

With the intention that over time, these little thoughts become habits.

Don't believe me.

Try not to pick up your phone today.

At all.

And if you really want to stress yourself out...

Keep it close enough that you can see and hear the notifications coming through.

Get back to me and let me know how anxious you felt.

It's nothing new though.

It's just easier now a days with the mind control device in your hand every waking hour.

(and within 36 inches or less even when you sleep!)

So, what's my point in trying to creep you out like this?

To come right out with it...

I Used to Belong to The Secret Society of Marketers Who Use Mind Control, Manipulation, Hype and Fear

With the intention to get you to do one thing...Buy more stuff.

I used to sit in private circles and laugh with the other mind control marketing magicians at how easily we could get you to buy stuff.

How a word here, or a sentence there...

Or a timer counting down could trick your brain into buying stuff you didn't even really want.

Then, we'd check our commissions for the day.

Laugh some more.

And plant the next manipulation.

I'm writing you today to let you know that I am done with all of these manipulations.

Except for one.

But, I want you to know what it is, so it's not a trick, or a gimmick, or a tactic that makes you do something without thought.

I want you to see it.

To think about it.

And to take the action to work with me be cause you actually WANT to.

The Only "Trick" I am Keeping in My Magical Bag of Mind Control is...


Here's how the brain works, even without you thinking about it...

Unless you are some sort of sociopath...

When somebody continually does awesome stuff for you, your brain automatically wants to pay that person back.

In sales and marketing, this means that when a marketer continually GIVES you access to amazing training.

Or cool tools.

Or tips and strategies that you can use to get the results you want.

Or just flat our over delivers on everything without asking for a dime.

You eventually not just want to, but feel COMPLELLED to give them your dimes.

I think this is the coolest magic "trick" of all.


Because in order to use this magic on your brain...

I Must GIVE You so Much Amazing Value BEFORE You Give Me Any of Your Dimes in Order to Make The Magic Work on Your Brain.

It's cool because there is no manipulation.

No Hype.

No Fear of Loss.

No Fast Action Timers.

Nothing to trick your brain into doing something you don't even want it to do.

You just actually WANT to pull out your credit card and spend your hard earned money to work with me...

Because you like me.

You trust me.

And you've seen me help you enough for free...

That you know my paid recommendations are 100% worth it.

So, outside of reciprocity, I am emptying my magic bag of tricks forever!

The other magicians think I am an idiot.

And that's ok.

Because it's bad for both of us if I trick you into something.

But, if you decide together that we are a good fit, you'll not only like what you're getting...

You'll feel good about what you bought, knowing it WILL produce those outcomes.

So, you'll actually USE it to get the results and the outcomes that you're seeking.

Which is awesome for both of us.

Because my fulfillment comes from knowing that you got closer to your dreams.

And you feel amazing knowing you are finally on the path to being able to do, have, and be everything you've ever wanted.

We BOTH Win... And That's How it's Supposed to Be!

So, it's in this spirit of Reciprocity, that I GIVE you everything I have ever known, or done, or discovered to be free to do whatever I want since late 2004.

When I was let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas.

Desperate and broke.

Freaking out over how I was going to support my family.

👉 These are the steps I took to very simply create over 💲101k online.

Even though I had no experience.

❌ No products.

❌ No websites.

And almost no idea what I was doing.

So I know that if I could do it.

I know that if I could use this same simple formula to be free for 17 years.

GIVING you this resource means that you'll have everything you need to get free and live the life you desire in 2022 and beyond too!

Grab it Here, and let me know if I can help you in any way.

Have an awesome day!


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.

P.P.S.  Did you know you can give yourself a 💲120 raise every day giving away free copies of my book?

Details are here if you want them


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