Subject: 🔵 Your First MIF SaIe in 24 hours? (Here's How)

Want to start getting Ieads and saIes as soon as possible for your MIF business?

I sent this the other day, but I just recorded a video for you as well to make sure that you get started fast.

I've been doing this for nearly 20 years now, and MIF is the best overall system that I have every recommended.

It's amazing, and I want to be sure you take full advantage.

The email from the other day is below...

But, it if you want a step by step video walk through, watch this.

NOTE: Some people not watching the video and following the steps are missing up to 50% of their saIes.

Don't let that be you!

--- Previous Email ---

I am bouncing off the walls excited about MIF!

I hope that you are too, Friend.

I find that there are a couple of things that generally set people back.

So I wanted to help you avoid BOTH with this one email.

The first thing is...

Waiting and not jumping in and getting into action fast.

Lack of action is the enemy and speed is your friend.

With your MIF system set up, here's what to do TODAY to make sure that you are building in the next 24 to 48 hours, or less...

1. Log into your MIF back office.

2. Click on Resources at the top

3. Click on Traffic.

4. Click to go to the TA Traffic Store

5. Click on Auto-Pilot Traffic once you're in the store.

6. Place an order for Gold, Platinum, Titanium, or Diamond auto-pilot monthly traffic.

That's it.

That's how simple it can be to start growing today.

Literally, you can be getting leads in a mater of hours.

The second BIG thing that sets people back and might take away as many as 50% of your saIes, is not being in position to get all of the commlsslons that you can.

For example...

Right now, 50% of my sales upgrade to the annual.

If I didn't have the annual, I would literally be missing out on 50% of the lncome that I have generated so far.


Imagine giving away every other saIe and instead of getting $200... you get $20.

That's an entire years worth of lncome from every one of those missed saIes you worked hard for gone.


Just like that.

If you can get the annual, I highly recommend it.

Not only is it painful to give away the lncome that should be yours...

But, when you are getting traffic, it REALLY helps to have those 18O dollar saIes coming in to keep you ahead of the game.

To summarize...

If you want to hit the ground running today, and jumpstart your best year from an lncome standpoint online ever...

1. Log in and Upgrade to annual TODAY.

(remember, 50% of my saIes are annuals)

2. After you get the annual, follow the 6 steps above to get your traffic running and start this lncome machine TODAY.

Any questions, let me know.

Let's Grow F.reedom Builders!

Nick Bramble

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