Subject: 🔵 Your 30 Minute Workday steps (inside)

Don't underestimate the power of this formula just because it seems way too simple

I get paid to basically recommend cool stuff that people already want.

Isn't that cool?

Like, have you ever said to somebody...

"Hey, I know you've been looking for (XYZ product), this is cool, you should check it out!"

And they actually bought the thing and even thanked you for it?!?

That's pretty much all I have been doing since 2004 when I got let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas.

And my life has been pretty awesome.

Yours could be too, and it's much simpler than you think.

1. Decide Who you Want to Help

2. Figure Out What They Want and Need (or just ask them!)

3. Find Somebody Who is Already Providing That Thing and Will Pay you to Recommend it.

4. Recommend That Thing to The People Looking For it.

Don't make it harder than that, and you can have a pretty awesome life.

It's actually more simple now than it ever has been with technology and automation, and the simple proven model that I use... Affiliate Marketing.

Pretty much EVERY company or service has an affiliate program now a days.

So, you can get paid to recommend pretty much anything you're interested in.

Wouldn't that be fun?

I mean, think about it...

⭐ Somebody else create the products.

⭐ Somebody else builds the website.

⭐ Somebody else writes all the amazing copy that gets people to buy.

⭐ Somebody else builds the sales funnel that sells multiple products at once.

⭐ Somebody else handles the customer service and product delivery.

Yet, YOU can get as much as 80% of the money even though all of the hard, techy, time consuming expensive stuff is done for you!

Seems like a crazy, dream scenario.

But, it's been my life for most of the last 17 years.

And it's awesome.

It could be yours too.

If you still want to enjoy a stable, long term home based business that can generate 100k yearly with minimal sales.

If you still want to see how you can give yourself a raise every single day...

Without all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff...

(See How Simple That Was?) 😀


"Called Free to Be More"


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