Subject: 🔵 You might be screwed if this is your plan

If your plan is to grow your lncome on social, this might change your mind

I just heard something pretty scary that might make you change your mind about using social to build your lncome.

Russell Brunson, who has over a miIIion followers went live the other day.

Guess how many showed up to watch...



On a bad day maybe 5,000?

Here's the shocking answer...


One of the best, if not the best marketers of our current generation.

With a miIIion people paying attention to him at any moment.

Who is respected and beloved in general by the industry and those in it.

A guy so good at his craft that he built a empire from scratch that does over 2OO MiII a year at this point.

And FIFTY stinkin' people showed for his live.


The algorithm and FaceBook are just flat out stupid and unreliable.

I mean... you'd think that if a person raised their hand and said "Yes, I want to see this guys stuff," FB should automatically show it to them, right?



Because FB doesn't like you hanging out for the f.ree ride.

They want you to fill their pockets.

That's the bottom line.

So, if you're posting and posting and posting ands posting thinking somehow you're going to build a meaningful lncome...

You're probably screwed.

Sure, use the reels platform and gain whatever new "followers" you can.

But, get them OFF of the platform as soon as possible and into a place where you can actually reach them.

That's another email altogether, so I will leave that at that.

But, here are two things I am doing to maximize my time, and not have my hard work held hostage.

First, I am building my list quickly and simply by using these instant traffic resources.

And second... is something I have been keeping a little bit of a secret.

I have created my very OWN social platform where we can connect.


I can share all of my stuff for f.ree with you.

And you see ALL of it.

No ads.

No algorithms.

No filtering.

No being pestered by people "sliding into your DM's" to pitch you.It's mine and mine only.

And I decide what goes there.

And YOU see ALL of it.

It's just starting to fill out, so give me a bit to add to it.

But, I will be adding everything I can there for f.ree to help you create the lncome you want, and live the life of your dreams.

You can get a first look at it here.


Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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