Subject: 🔵 You just got your butt kicked! (and it will keep happening)

Yep, you've been conditioned to give your money away and you did it again. It's time to stop the butt kicking right now and make this HUGE shift

I'm guessing that you feel like you "won" the weekend.

You got the deal.

The bonus.

The super sale.

The discount.




Here's the truth of it.

You got your butt kicked again!

And you will keep getting your butt kicked by the bullies.

Plus, they'll keep stealing your money if you don't make a change.

What's the change you need to make?

If you want to be a creator of wealth...

You've Got to Start Being the PRODUCER.

You think all of the stores and companies you bought from spent a week planning out their "Black Friday" and Cyber Monday" buys?


You didn't get a "deal."

You got bullied again into handing over your money.

And when all of the gifts are unwrapped, and that bigger TV is hung on the wall, and the new clothes are worn...

You'll feel happy for a minute, but then guess what?

Back to the same grind.

Working every minute.

Saving all year long.

So you can "get the deal."

Meanwhile, the PRODUCER smiles all year long.

Without struggle.

Without saving (they actually invest and grow their money, but that's a different email).

Without worry.

Because here's the thing...

For every 99 consumers, there is only one producer.

It's actually EASIER to be a producer.

No competition.

There will never be a shortage of consumers to buy.

I could go on all day, but here's what I want you to take away from this email...

If you want to create wealth...

And time.

And freedom.

You need to make a HUGE shift.

Instead of watching the videos, make them.

Instead of reading the emails, write them.

Instead of scrolling through endless posts on social, be the poster of value and content.

Instead of buying the products, create them (or in my case as an affiliate, sell them).

Put value into the marketplace.

Create don't consume.

That's the ONLY path to freedom.

No deals.

No Hype.

No Manipulation.

No Fear Based Selling.

No Timers.

Just 💲25 bucks all day every day to start unlocking your freedom.

It will ALWAYS be there.

Whenever you're tired of getting your butt kicked and your money stolen.

Whenever you're tired of grinding and saving all year long, just to splurge and start all over again.

You've been conditioned to be a consumer your entire life.

So, maybe you didn't even know you were losing, and being taken advantage of.

Now you do.

Now it's time to start winning


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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