Subject: 🔵 You can't be serious, Friend

Maybe the ldiot politicians are making us stupid or something

Truth is...

You can't possibly be serious about being a professional in this game if you pass on this.

That's what I told myself when I saw this.

Arguably the greatest to ever do it, Frank Kern is literally giving you his entire everything.

Plus, spending 3 days with you for f.ree to show you exactly, step by step how to do it.

Plus, making sure there are people live to help you one on one after he gives you everything.

All f.ree.

Here's what maybe you're not getting.

Marketing is marketing.

When you know the principles of it, learning it applies to anything you want to do with it.

Yes, I am (and maybe you want to be) an AffiIiate marketer.

But, just because Frank is teaching how to use marketing to help local b.usinesses doesn't mean what he's showing me doesn't apply.

It 1OOpct does.

So, I'd have to be a fool to not take him up on this.

I'd have to be a fool to pass up on the websites, emails, saIes process and everything he's accumulated over the years that has made him like a gaziIIion doIIars.

Plus, made him one of the most respected and sought after on the planet for what he does.

Even if I didn't want to use the software that's also being given away (which I do).

Even if I didn't want anything to do with helping local b.usinesses (which I not sure that I do)...

I'd personally show up just to learn everything.

Swipe everything.

And use it in my b.usiness.That's actually what I am doing.

Part of me actually loves local and wants to help.

I spend a fair amount of time at the farmer's markets talking to the vendors each year.

I know for sure they need help.

But, I also know for sure that whatever Frank lays down over the next 3 days is going to change my b.usiness.

And my life for the better.

I know for sure that passing up on getting access to the tools, the training, the daily actions, and the exact saIes material of somebody doing what I do at the highest level possible...

Would just be flat out dumb of me.

So I will be here taking everything Frank gives me.

If you want to be a true professional at whatever type of marketing that you are wanting to do, I'd highly recommend you be there learning and swiping everything from him too.

And don't worry, there won't be any of that hyped up, storytelling, waste your time stuff.

Frank is one of the coolest dudes ever and his style is like being taught by your best friend sitting on the couch with you having a fun conversation.

Except that this conversation will give you the ability to create lncome on demand for life.

In a way that makes others respect you.

Appreciate you.

Want to be you.

And want to hand you their m0ney without thinking about it because they know you can help them.

See you here at noon EST today.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  This works so incredibly well that even Frank surprised himself by generating 6.41 MiIIion using it. (see below)

He's giving you the exact everything.






Live, personal one on one help.

And f.ree access to the software to implement everything in minutes.

Even if you don't want to help locals, you can use what he gives you to build anything you want.

That's actually what I am doing.


It's not often you get the steal the complete b.usiness model of the greates to ever do this stuff.

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