Subject: 🔵 Yep, Spillover is happening (proof)

One of the reasons that I totally eyerolled this when it was sent to me, is because I usually don't actually see people getting "spillover" to help them build their business.

But, I'm glad I took a look and locked in a free spot, because this is becoming the normal really quickly...

And you want to know what the difference is?

It's people.

It's the type of people you choose to build something with.

Our motto with this new community we're building is that you get to bless people as you build your business.

Yes, building your business helps you, but because this works in a community building model...

As you build your business, you are at the same time building somebody else's.

So, one blesses another, blesses another, blesses another....

And soon you get what Josh got.

A business that is paying him 3 levels deep even though he signed up just 3 customers.

And it doesn't stop there.

We're since 14 levels deep on our team.

Meaning people like Josh who locked in their free spots, are seeing businesses build right before their eyes on the efforts of a team.

This is part of what I have been missing as a straight "affiIIiate" that only earns on my efforts.

It's not just about me getting the leverage of a community build...

It's that is feels AWESOME that every single customer I get from this point until the end of time, blesses ANOTHER person.

It' builds their business.

It builds YOUR business if you locked in a spot here.

Maybe you still don't believe me, and that's fine.

The other cool part of this totally unique business model is that you can grab a totally free spot and look it over until Thursday at midnight.

If you don't like it, do nothing.

You'll never be charged for anything.

But if you DO like it, you can lock in your spot for less than 1O bucks a month, and like Josh...

You'll get to use this unique community build model to help you build your business way faster than you could have ever hoped to on your own.

Plus, you'll be blessing others at the same time.

Making your business about more than just what you can get, but about how much you can also give to others at the same time.

And that has me really, really excited.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. Here's what people are saying about the community we are building here.

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