Subject: 🔵 Yep. I blew it. Sorry

I think I have been steering you in the wrong direction for a little while and I am sorry. Let's make it right.

If you're sick of reading emails and just want more time, 💲, and freedom... you can go here instead.

I know what you're thinking...

You don't need more content.

You don't need more videos.

You don't need to buy more courses that are outdated in 30 days...

And offer you no personal help (which you desperately need).

You don't need a podcast giving you more tips on how awesome your life could be.

You need results.

And by results I mean...




I mean... those are the only things that really matter, right?

Because when you have all 3 together, you can do whatever you want.

Whenever you want.

With who you want.

And actually have the ability to contribute to the people, communities, and causes you care about.

Without all 3...

Chances are you're stuck in the wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat cycle until death.

It's time to stop the madness.

It's time to get everything you need in one place, so you can finally start getting results.

Right now results.

Don't believe me?

See how Paul just got a result (by result I mean ðŸ’²)...

In less than 1 hour with something simple I showed him.

See the P.S. image below!

He just used a simple, super inexpensive thing that literally took him 5 minutes.

And boom... in came the 💲

And that's what you want too, right?


Right now.

In a fast, simple, easy to duplicate way.

If so, the results are waiting here.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  If you have any questions about how I can help you, feel free to text me at:


Oh... and here's what Paul just sent me today.

So cool!


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