Subject: 🔵 Wow... just gave away 133k😲

When you are doing things the right way, you can give away 133k and it's not even a big deal

Hi Friend...

I just got a notification from the community that I am helping to build, that...

We have now provided nearly 133,000 DAYS worth of meals to starving children all over the world!

Including providing 5,543 DAYS worth of meals to starving children in June alone!

That's because on top of giving affiliate partners 80% commissions on everything...

The community founders have also decided to give a part of the remaining 20% (out of THEIR profits, not the affiliate partners)...

To an organization called Feed My starving Children.

I've never been a part of something where GIVING was at the forefront of everything.

It's amazing.

And as a result of our giving, we are also seeing amazing results in our businesses.

In fact, we recently DOUBLED the amount of commissions being paid to affiliate partners in just 90 days.

No doubt the giving and the getting are connected.

I did an interview about why I came back to help build this community after planning to leave the industry completely.

What's happening here is so impactful that I couldn't leave when I saw it.

If you want to know the WHY behind everything, you can watch the full interview here.

It's not a sales video.

But I will warn you.

It's brutally honest.

It's heartwarming.

It's emotional.

And it will let you know why this community is different in the best way possible.

Like it's been for me, it could be just the thing you've been looking for.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday, Friend!

Here's that interview link one more time if you want more than just a business...

You want to be a part of a community that's dedicated to positively impacting the world with the wealth, time, and freedom we're creating together.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you didn't notice, you can now connect with me on:

YouTube: @calledfree

Facebook: @nickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Catch up with me on any or all platforms you hang out on.

And no, I don't use the platforms to dance around like a clown and post silly videos that waste your time.

I've constantly adding lots or really helpful short "value bites" to each platform that will actually help you build anything that you might be building right now.


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