Subject: 🔵 Would you rather?

If you had the choice of what to do with your Monday, would you be doing what you're doing?

Would you rather be doing something different than what you're about to do Monday morning?

If so, what?

Seriously... close your eyes and imagine your perfect Monday.

What does it look like?

When do you wake up.

Where do you live?

Who are the first beautiful faces you see?

What do you do with the day?

It's possible, Friend

And maybe it sounds crazy, but there is a Monday at some point in the near future.

Maybe it's 6 months from now.

Possibly a year.

But, if you change course and do something different like this, starting today...

That dream living in your head and heart right now is waiting.

The future you want is always waiting.

It's just a few different decisions away.

Make a new one today, and unlock the Mondays that you actually want for the rest of your life.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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