Subject: 🔵 Would love to reconnect Friend👋

I've been a little quiet lately working on some thing, but just wanted to reach out and see if we could re-connect.

Hey Friend ...

It's been a little while, but I just wanted to reach out and say hello.

How have you been, and what have you been up to?

Drop me an email and let me know.

If you use Telegram, let me know that is well, because I really like the speed and ease of chatting there.

I've had a lot going on, but my book and my dream project have been the most meaningful for me.

Other than that, just gearing up for the Christmas season and end of the year stuff.

Can you believe it's the end of the year already???

Anyway... hope you had an amazing 2021, and I'd love to stay more connected in 2022 and beyond.

Feel free to drop me a note anytime.

And for sure let me know if you're on Telegram, because that's my favorite way to connect and have real conversations and connection these days.

Talk soon!


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.



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