Subject: 🔵 Would an extra 2k this month help?

Imagine your monthly income growing by 1k every single month whether you worked more or not.

Good morning, Friend...

Just wanted to show you this message Hansie just posted in our group about his All in One business results...

(make sure images are turned on)

Average People Disclaimer: Because you're reading this, I believe that means you AREN'T one of those icky average types.

But, sometimes the slacker weirdos who settle for lesser lives (the average) get onto my list too! 🤪

All that said...

Hansie's income is based on them not being one of the zombie walking settlers that we call "average" people.

What's crazy though, is that because what we have here is so awesome...

That even the average weirdos who quit quickly and don't apply what we teach, amazingly still earn between $300 - $600 (not bad for a $25 business).

People like Hansie though are the smart, dedicated, serious people that stay long term and apply the skills we personally help them get.

But consider how "short" long term can be when you're serious.

Hansie is adding that 1k a month to his life in less than 60 days!

Anyway... Full income disclosure can be found at Again, those numbers are for average people only.

So, if you go there, it means you're not going to make it.

Save yourself the time and just get a job.

See my thoughts on that in the P.P.S. line if you're considering sticking with the job.

Let's end with a short little lessen on the only type of income that actually produces freedom.

I call it...

Freedom Money!

What's cool is that all of our sales here produce RESIDUAL income.

If you don't know what that means, it means they are recurring sales.

That means it's not a one time payment to you.

The commissions keep dropping into your bank month after month.

So Hansie is actually giving himself a raise of 1k every 30 days right now!

Imagine giving yourself a raise of 1k every single month!

Month one you'd enjoy an extra 1k per month.

Month 2, you'd have an extra 2k coming in.

Month 3, you'd be enjoying your life more with an extra 3k that came in whether you worked more or not.

Think about what month your life would totally change.

Maybe it's month 5 with an extra 5k per month.

Would it be month 10, with an extra 10k per month coming in?

No matter what that month is for you, it just keeps growing as you keep feeding it.

Not like that job income that just stays the same every month, no matter how hard you work.

That's why residual income is the only type of income that I call FREEDOM income.

Because it keeps coming in without extra effort.

Without trading more time.

Anyway, if residual income and giving yourself a raise every month (even every day) sounds interesting...

Feel free to check out how Hansie and I create it here using this simple but powerful $25 business.

Enjoy your Wednesday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  Have questions? Email me, or Text me directly at 833-219-0822.

I get back to everything personally

If you didn't notice, you can now connect with me (or DM me) on:

YouTube: @calledfree

Facebook: @nickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Catch up with me on any or all platforms you hang out on.

P.P.S.  What if jobs had to use disclaimers like we do?

If jobs had to do what we do, they'd have to have disclaimers that read something like...

Over 85% of everyone working here not only hates it, but they are broke.

The salary or wage paid here ensures that you will continue to be our weekly slave. You'll remain broke and unhappy at this job, and probably many others for the next 40 - 60 years.

At that point, you will retire broke, unhappy, and in poor mental and physical health.

You will most likely need the help of the government, or your family, or a greeter job at Walmart to make ends meet.

And you, plus nearly everyone in the job world will die within 5 - 10 years of your retirement unfulfilled with your dreams and contributions still inside of your dead body.

Less than 4% of all job workers will achieve any level of wealth, time, or personal freedom in their lives.

Man, I so wish every job had to do that!

But, whatever.

You're not average, so it doesn't matter. The place you wanna be is here with the other dream lifestyle builders.


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