Subject: 🔵 Would an extra 1k monthly help?

I realized today that maybe I am overwhelming you.

I keep telling you that the outcome I want to get you is an extra 100k per year in residuals.

Meaning that amount comes in whether you're working or not.

But, maybe you just can't see that amount yet, and I get it.

When I first got started, if I could just have an extra 1k a month coming in...

It would have changed my life.

Is that the case with you?

So, here's the plan...

Let's get you to your first 1k monthly, and then we'll build up to the 100k.


If that would help you, head over here and click the green button to get started.

After you fill out your info, my friend Mike will immediately give you a step by step game plan.


I will personally connect with you to make sure it all makes sense and you get going fast.

By now you know that I am not going away.

I am going to keep bugging you until you let me help you.


Because this calling to help you get free surrounds me.

I go to bed with it.

I wake up with it.

And it's surrounds me all day.

Let's go get your first 1k together.

Bye for now, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Texting me at the number you see above is my absolute favorite way to connect.

After that, my next favorite is Telegram because I don't have to get stuck in the social noise, and we can just instantly connect without distractions.

But, if it's easier for you to connect on social, you can catch me in any of these places.

I've actually been posting some fun stuff this week if you want to check it out.


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