Subject: 🔵 Wish you could give more?

In this season full of gifts and giving, I think what it really highlights is that most of us love to give.

And I think most of us want to give more.

It hit me as we were talking about the mission trips we have planned this year both globally and locally through our church...

That nearly EVERY person in the building (and we go to a very large church), would want to physically go on more of the mission trips.

Most want to not just be "thinking and praying," but actually be there serving.



Holding the hands of the people while praying.

Looking them in the eyes while being thoughtful.

It's just that most can't (or are afraid) to leave everything behind for days or weeks, because they have built their lives around sources of lncome that require massive amounts of their time.

Most have built their lives in a way that leaves very little time, energy, or lncome to do anything more than wake, work, eat, sleep, and repeat.

And I get it, because I've been there.

So, it's not a message to make anyone feel badly.

It's was actually more of a wake up call for ME.

God has blessed me with desires that have inspired me to use my talents to create time and treasures in a way that provides true f.reedom.

And it weighed pretty heavily on me that maybe I wasn't doing enough to help others like you create for themselves in a different way too...

So you could impact the world in the way God was calling you to in ANY moment.

If you feel called to give of your treasure, you should be able to without thought or worry.

If you feel called to give of your time, you should be able to, instead of sitting at work full of regret knowing you should be someplace else.

If you feel called to go halfway around the world, or even spend the night serving the homeless or those in need in your own community...

You should be able to pack up a bag and go.

If there is a need you want to help meet, or a person you want to serve or help...

Lack of time, lncome, and lack of f.reedom and choice shouldn't be the things that hold us back.

I think we all want to give more.

Do more.

Be more for the world around us.

Only the world most of us have created for ourselves doesn't always allow it.

If impact is part of your why, and if you're not having as much of it as you'd like...

Let's work together to change that.

One of the ways I have been able to do that is to build a business that actually creates time, and f.reedom at the same time as lncome.

I've built the way I create lncome in a way that I simultaneously create endless time and f.reedom to do what I want.With who I want.

While having the ability to use my time, talent, and treasures to serve the people, communities and causes that God places onto my heart at any moment.

If you want that ability too...

This may be a great place to drop by today.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  At the NEW site above, you will soon find EVERYTHING you need to get and stay f.ree to do what you want with your life.

I recently started a new movement that is a REVOLUTION in the way weaIth is created and used in the world.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

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